Friday, January 21, 2011

Fruit - Deformed or Ripe and Beautiful

In my quiet time with the Lord the word "fruit" keeps popping up.  I have been hearing this message loud and clear and know that it is a timely word from Him.   Without a doubt all of us at some point in time have picked up a piece of fruit and either bit into or peeled it only to discover that something happened in growing process and it was just not right.  Perhaps it was an orange and some of the sections were simply cut short in their growth cycle.  Or perhaps you grab an apple only to discover that it did not grow symmetrically but one side is significantly smaller than the other - it is lopsided!  The Lord has shown me that there are times that is exactly how I look in the spiritual realm.  Ouch!

The scripture that has really caught my attention is Galatians 5:22-23 But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law.  When I first read this verse I did so quickly and unconsciously made fruit plural in my mind.  However over the next few days, I heard the Lord explaining to me that it was not plural.  This is one fruit of which there are different attributes.  He went on to explain to me that until I exhibited the mature fruit in my life, it would be difficult for me to manifest the gifts that He has placed within me.  Hmmmm...   so without the fruit, can there be a kingdom harvest?  Good question.

First let us understand who is in control.  Holy Spirit, not me.  Who produces the fruit?  Holy Spirit not me.  So where do I fit into this picture?  I must release the control to Him if He is going to accomplish my destiny.  If I continue in trying to "manage" my life and accomplish things "my way" I am not releasing the control to Holy Spirit to direct and produce from my life.  What happens then?  Deformed fruit.  Whole fruit contains all of the attributes listed in the scripture.  There are not 9 fruits of Holy Spirit; there are 9 attributes that collectively reflect a wholeness of the single fruit that only comes through the power of Holy Spirit.  Are you shaking your head at me, and saying, "Duh, Janice!  I got that a long time ago."?  Well, if you are then you are way ahead of me and this is one posting you can file away for someone else.  :-)  But if there is a chance that you are not exhibiting wholeness and completeness in your fruit.  Come along!

When we look at all 9 attributes they encompass the full range of circumstances in which we can find ourselves.  Looking at each attribute individually, consider the following and then look in the mirror and ask yourself what your status is.  
Love: The greatest Christian virtue encompasses all the others. Only the Spirit of God can produce in us love for those who hate us.Joy produced by the Spirit does not depend on our circumstances.Peace with God creates internal well-being that spills into our relationships with others so that we become peacemakers (note - not peace keepers - there is a huge difference!). Patience (or tolerance, or long-suffering) gives us forbearance toward other people and endurance under unfavorable circumstances. God is patient with us and promises his presence with those who are patient with others. Kindness connotes generosity, a giving spirit that reflects how God treats us.Goodness is indicative of a favorable tendency or character that is consistent in how we live. Faithfulness (or faith) means exercising good faith and fidelity in our relationships, just as God does with us.Gentleness is exhibited through mildness of manner and disposition. Self Control is a reminder that Holy Spirit does not give moral license but rather empowers us to avoid sin.   So my question to myself is, do these descriptors fit me?  Does the way I live my life daily reflect these characteristics?  Sadly I know the answer and it does not please me, and if it doesn't please me, I can't imagine how it makes my lover God feel.   But the good news is that the opportunity for me to change is available - every day.  I have the ability through Christ who strengthens me, to not stay the same and to begin to walk out the fruit of Holy Spirit, to begin to grow the fruit that Holy Spirit is trying to produce in my life.  If I will let Him control my life....  There is the crux of the situation.  Am I going to release control of my life to Holy Spirit.  The answer to that question is an unequivocal yes.  That is indeed my "resolution" for 2011 and the future.  I have been walking with the Lord for 21 years.  I have learned a lot about Him and about myself.  I am still learning and pray that I never stop.  However a huge lesson that He is teaching me now is that it is a mistake to take back control once I have given it to Him.  I gave Him control October 10, 1989.  Slowly I have been pulling it back.  Fortunately, God had revealed this to me and is now enabling me to relinquish it back to Him.  I can already feel a different level of Shalom in my life.  I eagerly await this year as it unfolds and I watch Him work in my life.             

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