Tuesday, November 25, 2014

In Pursuit! Interval 1 Mile 4

Interval  1 – Mile 4
Fruit Continued:  Exercise our authority when we discern fruit
Last week we covered the scriptures below regarding exercising our authority when fruit has been exposed to us through the discernment of Holy Spirit: 
o   Colossians 2:13-15  Recognize what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross and through the resurrection.  When He disarmed the principalities and made a public spectacle of them, He took the keys of authority from the enemy that Adam had given up in sin and gave us that authority back – just as it had been first given in Genesis 1:28
o   James 4:7 Our authority is based on our submission to God.  Then and only then can we resist the devil and he will FLEE from us.
o    Acts 16:16-18 This is a very important example of discerning fruit and its source.  The slave girl was speaking truth, but Holy Spirit had revealed to Paul that her knowledge was coming through divination.  If Paul had given acknowledgment to what she was exclaiming he would have also given acknowledgment to the source of the divination.  This was what was causing him agony (research the Greek for “troubled, annoyed” depending on your translation).  Finally he responded by taking authority and ending the spectacle.  **Note his stand resulted in severe consequences for him and the other disciples with him.  Often we must be prepared for the consequences when we stand up to the enemy.  We cannot operate in fear.
This week we continued with our discussion of taking authority with an in-depth discussion of the remaining scriptures.
·         Luke 4:1-13 Several points were made during our discussion.   Jesus who was operating under the full influence and power of Holy Spirit allowed the enemy time to make his case known.  Each time Jesus listened then immediately responded with the Word. 
o   In Ephesians we are reminded that the only offensive weapon we carry in our armor is the sword of the Word of God.  Three times Jesus demonstrated to US that this is our weapon of authority when dealing with the enemy. 
o   We are also reminded that the enemy left only to wait until a “more opportune and favorable time.” (Amplified version) 
o   What does this tell you, an Ezer warrior, about temptations, authority and victory?
·         Matthew 12:22-32  A blind and dumb man was brought to Jesus and Jesus cast out the demons that were binding him.  The surrounding crowds were stunned and all began to ask whether this was indeed the Son of David.  Pharisees abounded in the crowd and were totally dismayed at the impact Jesus was having on large crowds.  Immediately they attempted to discredit him.
o   Who was most upset at what was transpiring with Jesus’ activities and the impact that it was having on the masses?
o   Therefore, who is planting the seeds of doubt in the crowd as to who Jesus was?  After all the enemy knew who He was, but as always he was working to deceive the masses.
o   What happens when seeds of doubt are planted in your mind?
o   Why would Jesus take this moment to educate us about the strongman?  What is He teaching us?
§  Distraction is a strategy of the enemy.
§  Doubt is a fast growing root in our soul (mind, will and emotions) that can overpower a weak spirit which is not being fed daily.
§  The strongman is the stake holder in the spiritual battle to push the soul into leadership in our triune being (spirit, soul, body).  In a spirit filled believer, walking in intimacy with Holy Spirit, the spirit influenced by Holy Spirit directs the soul which then directs the body.   However, when we fail to advance into spiritual maturity and intimacy with Holy Spirit, there is a battle between soul and spirit which leaves us vulnerable to attacks.  Remember free will resides in the soul and thus will either be directed into good choices through our spirit and Holy Spirit or bad choices by worldly influence.
Seeking discernment from Holy Spirit in how to take action
Everything we have discussed up to this point has been based on the fundamental truth that only through the wisdom and counsel of Holy Spirit can we discern what God is asking us to do in a particular situation.  One thing that is clear, we are not to act in judgment, rather we are to act in love bringing truth into the situation.  There are times when we are called to be silent and simply intercede, but there are also times when we are called to act.
Think back to a time when you knew Holy Spirit was prompting you to take action.  Did you follow the prompting or not?  What was the result for you spiritually later?
Utilizing our intimacy to glean knowledge which leads to action which leads to change
Moving under the direction of Holy Spirit always has a purpose.  We may not understand at that moment or ever why He asked us to do something.  But if we are trusting Him and moving under the direction of Holy Spirit, every action, every word has a purpose.  As a reminder, read Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28-31.
Praying like Elijah  1 Kings 18:20-46
This awesome story takes place in a time when persecution was high – Elijah was the last prophet of the Lord alive.  Talk about isolation!  Yet he stood in confident faith as to who Yahweh is and that His word is true.  His confidence was so strong that he mocked the prophets of Baal who outnumbered him over 400:1!  Two aspects here: one is acting boldly in confidence; two is continuing to petition when at first you do not see the results.  (verses 41-46)
When have you been asked to be bold in your faith?  What were the results?
When have you persisted even though the results were not immediately manifesting?
Next week: Making agreements with erroneous thinking

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

In Pursuit! Interval 1 Mile 3

Interval  1 – Mile 3
Fruit:  This is a typology used frequently by Jesus in His ministry to illustrate what the result is when we are operating under the influence of Holy Spirit living within us.  However far too often our focus is only on seeing the fruit of Holy Spirit.  We fail to discern the bad fruit that is both in our midst as well as the less than mature fruit that we ourselves may be exhibiting.

This week, focus on discerning fruit of all types – not judging fruit but discerning its existence and then seeking Holy Spirit’s wisdom and counsel as to what you are to do about what you see.  Remember to focus first on  your own fruit.  Our overall topic is walking with God therefore let’s meditate on the impact fruit has with that walk.
Search the scriptures through your concordance for verses dealing with fruit – particularly the New Testament and the red letters.

What kind of fruit are we seeing?
·      When scripture says, we shall know them by their fruit, who is “them”?  Matthew 7:15-20; 12:33
Sometimes we believers develop tunnel vision and are looking at people through the lens of “are they in the kingdom or out”.  What is the purpose of “knowing them by their fruit”?

·      How are we identifying the fruit? 
       Fruit comes in all varieties – good, bad (easily identified through scripture) but also in various levels of maturity.   Questions to take to Holy Spirit about the fruit you are discerning would include: is this just immature fruit?  Is this branch attached to a good tree and just has not grown into fullness yet?  If the tree is not a good tree, can you still operate in love?
What about the fruit that is in our lives?  What is happening to us?  How do we interpret that?
·       How do the circumstances of our lives impact the fruit that we are producing?
·       If we are not producing fruit, we must ask why  John 15:5
·      What is our personal definition of “fruit” and with this definition how are we answering the questions  above?   By personal definition I am referring to how we have imposed our behavioral system onto our faith.  Example:  when I became a Christian, I was 37 and had lived a life of performance based achievement.  At that moment out of ignorance I placed my soulish understanding of living life around my faith instead of encircling my soul with my spirit influenced by Holy Spirit.  What about you?

·      How is our “fruit” related to our need for acceptance, affirmation, performance or achievement (among other things)?

Seizing the opportunity to take action
 Through the discernment of Holy Spirit we are called to respond to the fruit He has shown us.  The critical question is how.  Answer - not in judgment but in love and only when instructed to action by Holy Spirit.
·         First – recognize the  “fruit” and its source  Galatians 5:16-26  Once you have identified the source, you will better understand the course of action (or standing) that Holy Spirit is directing.  Remember that the demonic will use every opportunity, if given, to distort and confuse the issue.  For example, “outbursts of wrath” (verse 20)  are different than angry words.  If you know you are attached to a good tree (again John 15:5), but see yourself expressing  anger, ask Holy Spirit what the source is.  Once you have gained that understanding you can move on to the next step.
·         Second - exercise our authority  
o   Colossians 2:13-15 Recognize what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross and through the resurrection.  When He disarmed the principalities and made a public spectacle of them, He took the keys of authority from the enemy that Adam had given up in sin and gave us that authority back – just as it had been first given in Genesis 1:28
o   James 4:7 Our authority is based on our submission to God.  Then and only then can we resist the devil and he will FLEE from us.
o    Acts 16:16-18 This is a very important example of discerning fruit and its source.  The slave girl was speaking truth, but Holy Spirit had revealed to Paul that her knowledge was coming through divination.  If Paul had given acknowledgment to what she was exclaiming he would have also given acknowledgment to the source of the divination.  This was what was causing him agony (research the Greek for “troubled, annoyed” depending on your translation).  Finally he responded by taking authority and ending the spectacle.  **Note his stand resulted in severe consequences for him and the other disciples with him.  Often we must be prepared for the consequences when we stand up to the enemy.  We cannot operate in fear.

We will continue with our discussion of taking authority next week as we move into making agreements with erroneous thinking.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

In Pursuit! Interval 1 Mile 2

Joy in the Pursuit 
Joy: it is a conscious decision that we make every day – sometimes every minute in a day.  Throughout Jesus’ ministry He tells us that this is His heart for us.  Do we make that decision to choose joy or do we allow our circumstances to cause us to turn our back on joy?

This week, multiple questions are presented to assist you in focusing on the true inner joy that comes with our surrender to Christ of all things in our life.  Examine your attitude and more importantly examine your response to the events of your daily life.  Do you choose joy or choose to react through your emotions to the circumstances of your life?

Search the scriptures through your concordance for  verses dealing with joy.  Write down your favorites and read them daily. 
      James 1:2-4  Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. 
      Making room for joy – what does scripture tell us?  Consider: 
      John 15:11 
      John 16:24 
 John 17:13 

 What have you allowed to impact your joy?  Ask Holy Spirit to reveal this to you.

 Joy comes from that deep place in our spirit which should influence our soul and flesh. What do we need to strengthen that influence?  The Word of God……..
      What is the difference between reading the Bible in fellowship with God and out of  fellowship with God?  Fellowship =relationship.  Through relationship we can  communicate, but without relationship the words written on the pages of our bible are  just that – words (or someone once said, it is like reading Shakespeare!) 

 How do you interpret the truths contained within the Word?  Personal versus Impersonal?
      What is the impact of personal application of the Word on your life? 
      How do you apply what you read to your life?  Psalm 19:8-11
 Where are you looking for your direction?  We have to know His voice.  John 10:1-4 

This week, as you read your Word, actively seek the revelation of Holy Spirit as to what you need right this moment in your life.  Journal it (or simply write it down if journaling intimidates you!)  
Have a blessed week pursuing Him!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

In Pursuit! Interval 1 Mile 1

In Pursuit!
We live in a world of “immediacy” – instant messages, spontaneous purchases with overnight shipping, instant access to information from all over the world, even instant access to the Word through our iPads and phones.  We don’t even have to know where the books of the Bible are any more – technology will do the thinking for us.  But how has that affected our relationship with the One that has created all things?

For many of us it has become difficult to slow down enough to truly live the life to which He has called us.  How do we pursue Him instead of life (and allow Him to pursue us)?  More importantly how do we operate in the full power He has given to us?

In the weeks ahead we will be exploring that very challenge.  Through the Word of God and with assistance from some excellent guides along the way, we are going on a journey……..

·         Of Walking with God  (John Eldredge)

·         Of Practicing His Presence  (from The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence  James W. Goll)

·         Of being Awakened by the Spirit (Ron M. Phillips)

·         Of advancing into a life of miracles When Heaven Invades Earth (Bill Johnson)

      I encourage you to check in with us weekly as I post the next leg of our journey.  The various progressions will be marked as Interval 1(or 2-4) and then Mile 1 (to whatever!)  As Holy Spirit has been downloading this study, it has been fascinating to observe the absolute relevance to the struggles so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ are experiencing.   

      We will begin our journey this week with a series of questions and thoughts to assist you in determining your starting point.  Where are you now in your pursuit of intimacy with Him?  Without that information, it will be difficult to gauge your progress along the paths He is laying out for us. So let us begin....

      Interval  1 – Mile 1

     Does God still speak?

    Questions to be answered:  How does He speak to you?  How do you know it is His voice?

·         We are created for intimacy  Psalm 139:1-18

o   Identify additional scriptures that speak of His intimacy with us

·         Intimacy requires communication  Genesis 1:26-27; 3:8-9

o   Identify additional scriptures that speak of the importance of communication in intimacy
  Communication with God is throughout the Bible  - what are your favorite encounters?     Example: Hagar meets God in the desert Genesis 16:1-15

o   Identify your favorite encounters in scripture
 We are meant to listen – to hear direction – Holy Spirit is our counselor, guide, comforter.  What do those titles tell us about listening?

Being whole and being holy – how are they related?

·       What does wholeness have to do with our walk with God?  Hebrews 10:14; 2 Peter 1:3

o   Identify additional scriptures that speak of our wholeness in Him
 What does holiness have to do with our walk with God? Romans 6:4; Philippians 1:6

o   Identify additional scriptures that speak of His intimacy with us
·        What is the relationship between healing and the ability to walk in and with holiness?       
         Hebrews 13:3-17

o   Identify additional scriptures that speak of His intimacy with us

 Questions to be answered: 

                       o   How do I view my “wholeness” versus what the Word tells us?

                       o   What change can I make in my daily routine today that will help me walk in holiness?

       My prayer for you is that these questions will stir a desire in you to know Him more and to  pursue Him relentlessly!  
     Until next week,