Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Intimacy is such a critical part of any relationship.  Now don't get weird on me; even friends experience intimacy.  The definition of intimate according to Webster's is: familiar, close, closely united or associated; personal, private; confidant, comrade.  No relationship will grow in depth and complexity if you do not incorporate intimacy as a component of it.  Think about the many different relationships you have at work, in church, in your neighborhood.  Chances are that very few of those relationships could be classified as intimate.  Why?  Because you do not share the inner layers of yourself with those people.  You are cordial, respectful, polite, but certainly not intimate.  Now think about your closest friends, your spouse if you have one, your family.  They know how you think; they know your quirks; they are there for you when the going gets ridiculous.  That is intimacy.  Question of the day:  are you intimate with God?

Last weekend I was blessed beyond description through an opportunity to oversee a 24 hour prayer vigil at our church.  This time was not pre-designed by leadership.  Their heart was to do whatever God wanted to do.  God loves that kind of freedom in operating in our lives.  His vision of that 24 hour period was to take His Beloveds deeper than they have been in a long time.  Personal agendas were dropped as soon as folks walked through the doorway into the sanctuary set up for prayer.  An atmosphere of tangible intimacy was felt by each participant.  However the greatest beneficiary of this gift from Him was me.  I was in His presence for the full 24 hours plus some.  I left that time feeling so energized and refreshed that it truly amazed me.  I knew He is capable of anything, but feeling totally at rest without physical rest???  Now that is cool!

Intimacy with Him does not require you to set aside 24 hours and shut out the rest of the world.  It was an incredible, amazing blessing for me to have both the opportunity and the time to do that.  Intimacy does require though that you do make an effort to get alone with Him for any period of time.  If you only have 15 minutes, then be focused on giving Him your undivided attention during that time.  Remember the oft abused saying, it is not the quantity but the quality that counts?  Many parents used that as an excuse to continue to justify the choices they were making in life which put their kids on the back burner, deferring instead to social engagements, career pursuit, or just personal interests.  Those relationships suffer permanent damage that is very difficult to reverse.  When someone you love consistently chooses something or someone else over you, a wound in the heart grows deeper over time.

What makes us think that God is any different?  Do you think that just because He is God that nothing bothers Him?  That He has no emotions?  How can that be if we were made in His image?  Listen to this passage from Song of Solomon 4:9-10 You have ravished my heart, my treasure, my bride. I am overcome by one glance of your eyes, by a single bead of your necklace. How sweet is your love, my treasure, my bride! How much better it is than wine! Your perfume is more fragrant than the richest of spices. Does that sound like an emotionless God to you?  Throughout scripture, we read of God's delight, His anger, His love, His pride in His children, His heart for His Chosen People.  Knowing all of that how can we possibly think that He does not desire intimacy with us?  James 4:8  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Can you hear Him calling out to you as you seek His face?

One concept that He made very clear to me as I prepared our sanctuary for the vigil was His unconditional love.  He was very explicit that the Bridal Chamber came first.  As soon as anyone entered the sanctuary the first stop was the Bridal Chamber.  The Lord said, "My love is unconditional.  If someone does not experience my love first, then there will be no desire to repent, to exalt me, to arise as my warrior and to persevere.  Let them soak in my love first.  Have them languish with me."  He would not even let me put chairs in the bridal chamber just pillows.  He wanted more than anything for His Beloveds to just languish in His love.  No petitions, no performances, just languish and soak in His love.   Are you able to do that?

There are two aspects to this concept.  First understand that your strength and growth comes out of this time of intimacy, not out of your performance as a member of the Body of Christ.  However the second aspect is critical to the harvest of souls for the church.  A non-believer must experience the love of God in order to want to believe in Him and receive eternal life.  Why would anyone want to change from their current lifestyle and belief system of the world, unless there is a promise of something unattainable otherwise? We can't beat somebody into submission to become a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.  God does not want forced love.  He wants free love whereby He is chosen over other lovers i.e. the world and all that it offers.  Love freely given and freely received is the genuine article.  Do you really want someone in your life who is forced to express love to you?  You immediately know that it is superficial and only expressed for survival purposes.  Sounds like prison camp to me.  Say whatever you have to to survive.  

When we win others over to Christ it is because they see something in our lives that they desperately want.  Is the life you are leading portraying that message to those around you?  Remember that there is always somebody watching you and listening to what you say.  Luke 6:4-5 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.  What is our life reflecting from our heart?  Only you can answer that question.  However consider this:  if you are truly being intimate with God on a consistent basis, how can your heart not be filled with His love?  He transforms us if we allow Him access.  Access requires intimacy.  The deepest, darkest secrets of our mind and heart become accessible to Him.  He will heal those deep wounds.  He will fill the darkest void with light.  Then you can move into the world which is our field of ministry and spread His love all around. 

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