Monday, May 17, 2010

The Power of the Calling

Transformation is defined by Webster's as an entire change in form, disposition, character or outward appearance.  The expectation of transformation is integral to the life of a believer, especially a new believer.  Many of us can articulate what that transformation was like as we left our old self behind and embraced the new creation we became.  Question: do we continue to expect extravagant transformation as we mature in our faith?  Do we truly walk in the knowledge and the actions that we are ever growing in Him and hence walk with increasing power? 

I experienced a transformational weekend these past few days.  The Lord spoke more clearly than ever about His expectations for my life and my calling as His.  I am humbled and amazed when He uses those around me to confirm what He has been speaking into me.  This awesome journey began during a long car ride in which my husband and I had time to listen to a John Bevere study entitled Extraordinary.  We are always challenged by a John Bevere teaching and this was no exception.  The content was deep and right on - we are called by God to live extraordinary lives.  Then Sunday I was blessed by a message by Pastor Dale Evrist of New Song Christian Fellowship in Nashville.  Although Pastor Dale had never heard the teaching Extraordinary  he literally quoted John Bevere.  I looked at my husband with wide eyes communicating, "Did you hear that???"  Then in my daily devotions this morning, there was the message again.  I knew then I had to share with all of you what I had heard.

2 Thessalonians 1:11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.  Although this is only one sentence it embodies so much of what we should be living.  Consider first the phrase, "worthy of his calling".  God has individually called us.  When I researched this in the Strong's concordance, I discovered that this particular use of the word appears predominantly in the New Testament.  Those who are members of the New Covenant do indeed have a distinctive calling that did not exist in the Old Testament.  We have been called by the Lord to be the embodiment of the Great Commission.  Every believer is called to pursue it.  Not only is that a responsibility, but it is a privilege.  Note - we are to be worthy of his calling.   Worthy denotes an elevation in my mind.  This is not just an ordinary vocation, but a significant one that requires worthy living.

Now notice that the power comes in when we are walking in the fulfillment of every good purpose of yours, not just a couple, but every one.  That is strong language!  However it is not under our power, rather His power in us.  Read it again: he may fulfill every good purpose. What a shift in perception.  This is not what we want to do, not what we think we can do, but opening ourselves for him to utilize us as His conduit to accomplish every good purpose he had in mind for us.  Of course, we cannot ignore the qualifier - "good".  That is a lens through which we need to keep looking as we make decisions concerning our lives.    

As much as that knowledge excites me, it pales in comparison to the next phrase: every act prompted by your faith. There is that all encompassing word "every" again!  More importantly though is how the every act occurs: it is prompted by our faith.  Holy Spirit living within me will be prompting me to do what God has purposed in my life through specific acts.  Faith - that incredible power plant inside of us - have you ever considered it from that perspective before?  I have been very aware of Holy Spirit living inside of me, and I have been gaining a deeper appreciation of how immense His power is.  Had I really processed the extent of it though?  No, I really do not believe so.  The dawning of a new awareness of how I have been called to live is upon me.  I feel as if I am standing on the edge of a great release of His power through me as the conduit.  I make no mistake; I have no power of my own.  The power that flows through me is HIS and HIS alone.  But He desires to have me be His instrument of implementation here on this earth, now in this time.

Cap off these insightful scriptures with one more.  Ephesians 3:20  Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.  I have Holy Ghost bumps all over me!  Infinitely more than we might ask or think.  Beyond my comprehension is how I interpret that.  Once more, it is His power at work within us, but what He is going to do with that power will basically blow us away.  We cannot even begin to fathom what He has planned.  I am ready, Lord, let's get to it!  

More than ever before, I want to release the limitations that I have placed on God being able to work through me to accomplish the miraculous, the unimaginable, the stupendous!  My heart's desire is that He will find in me a willing and open vessel that facilitates the flow of His presence, glory and power wherever I walk.  My visual for weeks now has been a path behind me of burned foot imprints left by His Shekinah glory and power.  Let His presence be physically and spiritually felt whenever I enter a room.  Let His heat precede me and linger when I have left.  Lord, here I am - send me!

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