Monday, January 25, 2010

The Guiding Pillars for Life

Have you ever made the comment, "How did I not see that??? It was right in front of me!" or "If it had been a snake it would have bitten me!"? Sometimes the hand of God is like that in our lives. He is right in front of us, directing us and yet we are totally oblivious to what He is saying to us. Imagine with me what it must have been like for the Hebrews wandering in the wilderness with Moses. There was the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. An unmistakable sign of the presence of God was there, constantly, directing the thousands where to go. One would think with God both with you and guiding you through that visible a sign that there would have been no doubt about being about His business. But we all know that was not the case.

Exodus 13:21-22 The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and he provided light at night with a pillar of fire. This allowed them to travel by day or by night. And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people. The Lord did not remove this guidance system from His people. For forty years they moved about the wilderness and He was there with them. Yet throughout the forty years, there were multiple incidences of disobedience of rebellion and of disbelief. We know that the Lord was directing them; they were not lost in the wilderness. They were walking out the consequences of their action or inaction as the case may have been.

The Hebrew people had witnessed the power and authority of God in providing for their exodus from Egypt. He provided for their survival in the wilderness. How much like our own lives is this scenario? I know personally that God has done miraculous acts in my life. I would not be where I am except through His grace and provision in my life. There were numerous times that I was admittedly in the wilderness, yet each time He showed me the way out. He has met my needs on so many occasions that I cannot recount them all. Some were more miraculous than others, but each served as a reminder to me that my "manna" came only from Him, not through my might or my power. In fact, the more that I allow my flesh to get involved in my life and my decisions, the deeper it takes me into the wilderness and I lose sight of the guiding "pillars" of the Lord.

I want to become very deliberate about recognizing the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. I know that my Lord's presence is unmistakably here in my life, but if I am not keeping my focus centered on those pillars 24/7 then I risk losing sight of my guidance system. One thing that has become abundantly clear is that a pillar should not be another person. If we begin to follow a person thinking that is the pillar for us, we risk taking a detour. No single person should ever become the only guidance system we have for life. The Lord will use people as confirmation of what He is telling us, but He wants us to depend solely on Him for our instructions, our directions.

Knowing that we live in a fallen world in which our flesh (body and soul) will continually battle with our renewed spirit should give us a warning that we will have to stay alert. Our mind will seek that which makes us "feel good". Our body will seek that which brings us comfort and pleasure. But our spirit wants to commune with the Lord and to dive deeper into our relationship with Him no matter what the cost to the soul and body. Consequently there are going to be times in our lives when alternate pillars are going to clutter the landscape of our lives. What should be crystal clear to us as it should have been to the Hebrews will be distorted even imitated by the dark side. The desire of the enemy is to keep us from following the guidance of the Lord in our lives. If he can strategically place a false pillar in our lives, then there is always the possibility that we will deviate from our original path and follow the new course he lays out.

Micah 7:5 Do not trust in a friend; do not put your confidence in a guide. Guard the doors of your mouth from her that lies in your bosom. Conversely Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. We have a choice as to who and what we use as a guide through life. What will be our pillars of cloud and fire? Seek the wisdom and counsel of Holy Spirit in all that you say, think and do. Learn to listen with a discerning ear and a heart hungry for the love of God. Ask Him to destroy anything that is not of Him in your life so that you may see clearly His guiding hand for you.

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