Monday, October 26, 2009

Hope Makes the Difference

Recently I spoke with two different individuals who were both experiencing rough bumps in the road. As I listened to each of them at different times, I noticed a difference in their words, their body language, even their countenance. Both individuals are strong believers; both individuals are faithfully serving the Lord. Yet there was this difference. It was not until I began to seek Holy Spirit's wisdom concerning what I was seeing that revelation came. In one individual the countenance was bright and shining. It came through the eyes as well as the tone of voice. The other was clearly battle weary. What makes the difference?

All of us have experienced seasons of battlefields. I can still clearly recall some of my worst times when there was no one to depend on except the Lord Himself. Finances were a disaster; job situation worse; and no family or friends around to support me in this valley of darkness. Yet even in this deep isolation, I remember being the most determined. I was not about to let the dark side control my life and my countenance. My worship was more fervent. My joy in the Lord was my rock. In fact it is easier to be passionate when things are going wrong then when everything is just peachy keen, at least that is how it is for me.

We aren't the only ones though who have experienced dark times and had to rely on the Lord. Consider Job - no don't tune out yet. Job was certainly in a very dark place and was having difficulty being joyous in his circumstances. In fact he lamented a lot about what was happening to him and talked to God A LOT about it. However if you read Job carefully you will find wonderful little nuggets of truth in his statements. Job 12:13 "But true wisdom and power are with God; counsel and understanding are his." 22 "He floods the darkness with light; he brings light to the deepest gloom." What wonderful truths about out God. If we seek His wisdom, power, counsel and understanding, we will find them. He will indeed flood our deepest gloom with His light.

Consider also the disciple Paul. Talk about experiencing some dark places! Everywhere that Paul went, beatings and imprisonment found him. I have been seeking true understanding about the power in which Paul walked that allowed him to endure near death multiple times. Recently I hurt my foot, not badly praise the Lord, but enough that it was painful and difficult to walk. I found myself thinking about Paul's beatings and could not imagine incurring that kind of pain and still being able to function. Then I was quickened by Holy Spirit about today's contemporary martyrs who are incurring the same severe beatings and execution that the early disciples faced. I was chagrined to realize how easy we have it with freedom to worship and speak about the Lord with very few prohibitions.

Luke wrote in Acts about Paul and Silas. Acts 16:22-25 A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods. They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn't escape. So he took no chances but put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. The inner dungeon was like a cesspool. They had suffered a severe beating. Their feet were clamped in stocks. Yet they were singing hymns and praying. OK. How bad are your circumstances?

The Lord has quickened my spirit that some of you out there are really struggling right now. No, you haven't been severely beaten and then locked up in stocks and thrown into a cesspool of a prison. Even our most serious prisoners in this country have it better than some innocents who are poverty stricken, trying to survive in a world that has been turned upside down. There is a sense of panic in many people and a sense of hopelessness in others. Yet still there are many who are maintaining their hope in the Lord and His power, wisdom, counsel and understanding. That is what allows these folks to continue moving forward, one day at a time, even sometimes one hour at a time. Our hope must be in the Lord and not in our ability to pull ourselves out of this mess called life.

This does not call for a relinquishment of our responsibility to continue to walk when we feel like giving up. There are many analogies used frequently to describe this process, e.g. one can sit in the driver's seat of a car forever. However it is not moving forward until you turn it on and put it in drive. God does expect us to be responsible in carrying out our part of our assignment. We cannot passively sit and say, "You do it, God. I am too tired." Even in times of being still, we are still actively seeking Him and praising Him. Job talked to Him and acknowledged His power and glory. Paul and Silas sang and prayed, and went right back to work wining people over to Christ! What are you doing in the midst of your circumstances?

My friends, I encourage you, no matter what is happening in your life, to keep it all in perspective. God is not only our hope but He is in control and will provide wisdom, power, counsel and understanding. He will be the light in the darkest of places for you. Let Him flood your deep gloom with His love. It is there for you. He is there for you. Embrace Him and permit Him to embrace you.

1 comment:

  1. I love you artical.I sometimes find it hard to praise when I am feeling discouraged.
