Monday, April 27, 2009

Believing in Your Assignment

Recently I needed my transcripts from college to pursue an opportunity. I had not seen the results of the time spent in higher education in many, many years, and when they arrived in the mail, I was curious to see what had transpired in my life so long ago. I was utterly amused then stunned by the significance of what I read. The only grade on my transcript that was lower than a B was in a single course ~ Writing of Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Imagine that. Statistics state that 85% of college graduates are not working in the fields for which they studied in college. I knew from the time I was a child I wanted to write yet someone else's evaluation of my ability was "C". Today I have a published book of my poetry, photography and life experiences. I am writing to all of you scattered across the country weekly. Something must be working right.

Just last week in my devotions I read this statement, "Others may not understand your vision or God-given dream, but you must remain faithful to whatever assignment God reveals to you so that you can see what mighty things God will do in and through you." (Encounters with God Daily Bible by Dr. Thomas Blackaby) Imagine if I had believed that professor's evaluation of my ability to write poetry (our focus in that class). Imagine if I had stopped writing and said, I give up. The ramifications are much greater than I can perceive even at this moment in time. I know that I am just beginning to walk in the dream that God has for me. Fortunately, I do have a hint of that dream, a sense of what He wants for me, and I want to use the gifts that He has placed inside of me.

"Instead, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful. " 1 Corinthians 1:27 When you look at yourself and compare yourself to those around you (which we all do at some point and time), do you feel inadequate? Has someone at some point in your life given you a "C" for what you believe in your heart of hearts is a calling for you? If you haven't experienced that setback than you are rather unusual. God has a wonderful knack for choosing the most unlikely candidates for the tasks He needs completed. He forewarned us in scripture that He was going to do just that. So why are we surprised when He chooses us and uses us when we are so "ill-equipped" for the job?

We continue to see ourselves through other people's eyes instead of the eyes of our Creator, who is our Lover and our Father and our Friend. Is it really so surprising that the people around us who are seeing us through the filters of their lives would not mirror back to us an image that is beautiful and uplifting? If they did that, it could jeopardize their own already weakened state of self-esteem. For if their self-image is not based on God but on themselves, then they cannot reflect His love, His grace and His light. When we look at ourselves in the mirror of their eyes, we are going to automatically see a distorted image much like walking into the Hall of Mirrors at the carnival.

If we are to believe in ourselves, believe in the assignment, the vision that God has given us for our lives, then we must believe the "unbelievable": we are the creation of a loving God who will birth incredible gifts in us to be used by Him ~ if we will allow Him total access to our lives. I encourage you to believe what God tells you about you. Believe what is written in the Word about you. Read it out loud until it drowns out the naysayers in your life. God has a dream and an assignment for everyone that is willing to die unto themselves for Him and thus live forever. Not a single one of us is unqualified. The truth of the matter is we are not equipped until we are called, but we won't be truly called if we haven't agreed to pick up our cross and follow Him. Are you ready to be equipped?


  1. wow, thank u for your obedience in sending this email...i had not idea you wrote for a funny, i write for a site as well and i too wrote about our dreams (Dream Forward on i especially liked the last paragraph about believing the unbelievable...that was just for ya!!
