We are in a season in which we are continuously being presented with opportunities to step out in that kind of faith that believes for the impossible. I am heartsick, yet simultaneously encouraged, by the number of people in my life who are facing monumental situations. That may seem like a contradiction to you, but I believe that when we are being stretched, God is pursuing us with more intensity than before. He is the one stretching us, allowing whatever circumstances in our lives, so that we will draw closer to Him. We must die to ourselves if we truly desire to have more of Him. What does this look like in our daily lives?
Have you ever been caught off guard by something that came out of left field, catching you totally unprepared? Or perhaps you have been caught in a continuous onslaught of one event after another, prohibiting you from even catching your "breath". Lately, I am witnessing this happening to many people about whom I care deeply. Interestingly though at this same time, I am hearing confirming words from multiple directions about faith in impossible situations. There are no coincidences in this world - only God-incidences. He wants me as well as others to grasp just what faith is all about - especially the God size faith that is required if we are going to truly follow Him.
Today I read in the final chapter of John about one of Jesus' last appearances to His disciples after the resurrection. It takes place on the beach while some of them have gone fishing. Have you ever thought about this scenario? They have lost their best friend, their mentor, their Messiah and they go fishing. In the midst of crisis, what brings you comfort? For many of us it is returning to routine, finding the normal in the midst of the chaos of life. These fellows went back to the water, back to the routine of fishing during which they would be busy with routine tasks and not have to think about all that had just transpired. They could barely grasp it anyway. Fishing they could understand. Then Jesus shows up unrecognizable and suggests a shift in where they throw their net. The result? John 21:6 Then he said, "Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you'll get plenty of fish! " So they did, and they couldn't draw in the net because there were so many fish in it...... 11 So Simon Peter went aboard and dragged the net to the shore. There were 153 large fish, and yet the net hadn't torn.
I love studying the detail in the Word, yet when I researched the 153, it is simply stated that there is no symbolism to the 153. Of course we can always try to create something out of nothing, but then we are usually working out of our flesh and not revelation. However, I believe that every word of the Bible is Holy Spirit inspired, so why the number 153? I believe there are several possible explanations. One could be that an exact number gives credibility to the eye witness account. How would anyone know the exact number of fish in the net unless they were there? But in alignment with our discussion today, I think that the number demonstrates just how big God is when we act on faith. If you have ever gone fishing, then you can appreciate 153 large fish is an incredible catch, especially when you have had empty nets for hours. The clincher though comes a little later in the chapter when Jesus says in John 21:18-19 The truth is, when you were young, you were able to do as you liked and go wherever you wanted to. But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and others will direct you and take you where you don't want to go." 19 Jesus said this to let him know what kind of death he would die to glorify God. Then Jesus told him, "Follow me."
Follow Me. No matter what the cost. No matter what you want to do. No matter what your thoughts on the matter are. Just follow Me. Matthew 10:38 If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. That is pretty cut and dried. Truly following Him however requires that impossible kind of faith. It requires us to believe that no matter what we see happening in the natural, we know He is in control and He will ultimately win. His will will be done. If we believe that then we also believe all of His promises in the Word about what His heart desires for us. Again, I ask the question: what does this look like in our daily walk?
I recently read a wonderful depiction of what this kind of faith looks like. Steven Furtick in his book Sun Stand Still talks about helping his young son jump waves in the ocean. Do you remember doing this either a as kid or with your kids? Holding their arms high in the sky and lifting them over the crashing wave just as it hits them. He likens this to what we must do as follows of Christ. First we must understand that it is not through our own power that we are "jumping the waves" but rather through the strength and power of the One holding our hands (which we have lifted high to Him). Secondly we must TRUST that He is going to lift us above the wave and not allow us to drown. Are we going to get wet? Of course! Will we feel the punch of the wave on our lower body? Of course! Will we be keenly aware that a massive wave went below us and not over us? How could we not? The key is that we should be focusing on the One Who is lifting us instead of the wave that went beneath us. Too many of us are focusing on the waves and not the "Lifter". Just a reminder, that on which we think the most is actually the lord of our lives. Which is it going to be? Our circumstances or our rescuer?
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