Monday, April 12, 2010

Dual Citizenship?

Do you know any individuals who have dual citizenship?  In other words they are both citizens of the United States as well as citizens of another country?  Not all countries allow this, but many do and in fact even those that do not are not enforcing the law today.  It is now a prevailing school of thought that blurring these lines will promote the economic well being of both countries.  With this line of thinking, where does the loyalty of these dual citizens rest?  In researching this topic I found the following statement on a website for new citizens of the US: The opening lines of the Oath of Allegiance are meant to give the United States exclusive sovereignty over the newly naturalized citizen. In other words, you are a citizen of one and only one country, the United States of America. The idea is that as soon as you take the Oath of Allegiance and become an American, you are giving up your citizenship of your native country.  That is not the reality though with dual citizenship.  One keeps the original citizenship of birth.   Not wanting to sever those ties is an expression of the desire to have a "foot" in both countries, thus never needing to make a total commitment to their new country of residence.  This sounds much like needing a backup plan for security.  What if things don't work out and I need to return to my former life?

This scenario is starkly similar to the lives of many Christians.  There are two kingdoms in operation in this world:  the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness.  When we become citizens of the kingdom of light, we are proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven exists today on this earth through the Body of Christ.  Prior to accepting citizenship we were functioning in the kingdom of darkness whether we like to admit it or not.  That does not mean that you were living an evil life.  What it does mean is that the things of this world, in which the prince of darkness still has power, were important to us and directed our lives.  Things like jobs, security, success, relationships, influence, etc.  They don't sound evil, do they?  Yet when we make our decisions based on these things, we head in a very different direction than that of citizens of the kingdom of light.

When we become citizens of the kingdom of light, we have access to knowledge, power and authority that were unknown to us before.  Our vision has been extended beyond the reality of what we see to the reality of eternity and eternal living.  We have the ability to see life through the eyes of Holy Spirit and it is as if dark glasses have been removed from our face.  For some of us the shock is transformational, changing the way we think, act and speak.  Again think about the reality of two countries and someone coming to the US for the first time and understanding the possibilities that exist for the future.  Imagine what that must be like.  Now recall when you accepted Christ and how blinders were removed from your heart and your mind.  Things that once were acceptable to you are suddenly unthinkable.  But what does that mean about what we relinquish in terms of our citizenship in the other kingdom?

Many individuals have great difficulty in releasing the values of the kingdom of darkness.  There is no perception, no understanding of the imprisoning hold this creates on life.  Imagine if you will this simple analogy.  You are straddling a fence between two pastures.  You see things that you want to pursue in each of them, yet you cannot decide which one you want to embrace, so you continue to straddle the fence while debating what the cost benefit ratio is for your life.  This indecision prevents full benefit of commitment to one side of the fence over another.  The powerful aspect of this situation is that you have no clue what awaits you over the hill that is out of sight, beneficial or not depending on which side of the fence you choose.  Hmmmm...  thinking yet?

Perhaps these verses from Revelation will resonate with you.  Revelation 3:15-19 "I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say, 'I am rich. I have everything I want. I don't need a thing!' And you don't realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. I advise you to buy gold from me -- gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. And also buy white garments so you will not be shamed by your nakedness. And buy ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. I am the one who corrects and disciplines everyone I love. Be diligent and turn from your indifference." Indifference - fence sitting.  Is this a desire of the Lord's from us?  Clearly not.  Commitment is what gladdens His heart.  Commitment from us for the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of light.

Consider Matthew 6:31-34  "So don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing.  Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.  "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today."  Jesus delineates for us very clearly the difference between being a citizen of the kingdom of dark and a citizen of the kingdom of light.  Focus on our earthly well being versus living for the Kingdom of God separates us from the covering of God.  His instructions are clear.  Yet too frequently we hear brothers and sisters in Christ bemoaning their circumstances and declaring their lack of trust in the provision of God. 

Does this mean that our life will be a bed of roses when we commit to living as citizens of the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of light?  Of course not, and all of us know that.  The Lord gave us plenty of warning to expect trials and tribulations as long as this earth still has a free-to-roam enemy of the Lord.  But to be short sighted and not look beyond today's circumstances to the final victory in eternity is a certain road to ultimate death.  Trying to maintain dual citizenship while alive on earth is unacceptable in the Lord's sight.  Keeping one foot in darkness while trying to keep one foot in the light is doomed to fail.  If the enemy is given even a toehold in your life, he will eventually grab the foot, then the leg and then the rest of the body.  The only sure way to prevent his grasp on your life is to travel as far from that fence as you can. 

Singular citizenship in the kingdom of light, the Kingdom of God is where we all need to be.  No matter what the fear may have been in the past for your well being, no matter what carrots the enemy puts in front of you, steel minded focus on living in and serving the kingdom of God must be our way of life.  Only through that commitment will we be able to have the peace that surpasses human understanding.  Only then will we have eyes for the Lord and see the world through His eyes.  Trusting and following Him when all else seems uncertain is indeed the only certainty that we have.

1 comment:

  1. Janice,

    When I first read this the first thing I thought of was "We are in this world, but not of it." We essentially have the citizenship of earth, but our eternal home is in heaven. Who is the child of American's, but born in another country and therefore has duel citizenship. Although born elsewhere they will always be American and be home here, but they live in that other country. Those are the thoughts I remember first thinking when I saw this. Thanks for sharing!

