Monday, February 1, 2010

Not Why but What

We have become such an independent people. We question everything believing that in order to act we must understand all aspects of a situation. We have taught our children to expect a rational explanation of why we are telling them to do something. We expect our employers to justify why things are happening the way they are in our work place. We expect a full understanding of the events that are occurring around us. In fact the media has made a fortune with analysis shows feeding our need. The process has been gradual over decades but it seems prevalent today. We as a people are full of why's. I know I am as guilty as the person standing next to me. However I am rapidly recognizing that the impact of that mindset on my walk with the Lord can be very dangerous. Why is the wrong question when we are following Him. The more appropriate question is What.

When Jesus was actively teaching His disciples and the masses in general He was very clear and very specific about what was required to follow Him. Mark 8:34 Then He called the crowd to Him along with his disciples and said,"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it." Translation: if it becomes about me instead of about Jesus and preaching the gospel, then we have not forsaken our own lives. In fact when it becomes about me, I have taken my eyes off Him and put them back on myself. How is this going to affect me? What is going to happen to me in this process, God? Why are you doing this to me, God? Any of those questions sound familiar to you? I have heard them many times in my conversations with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Why, God, why me, why now, why this?

This is a rocky road to take in our relationship with the Lord. He requires total commitment, not convenient commitment. The question that He wants to hear from us is "What do you want me to do in this situation, Lord, that will profit the kingdom?" What am I to learn here? What am I to emulate as the living breathing portrayal of Jesus on earth? Instead we allow the characteristics of our flesh and soul to overwhelm our spirit. When we are in an uncomfortable place, we begin to question God. If this were you, God, since you are a loving, benevolent God, surely this would feel better. Surely you have a better place for me to be than here right now. Have you ever made a statement similar to that? Consider the disciple in Matthew 8:21-22. Another disciple said to Him, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." But Jesus told him, "Follow Me, and let the dead bury the dead." Imagine the emotions (soul) of that disciple. Why can't I at least pay honor to my dead father, Jesus??? What is everyone going to think of me for abandoning my duty to my father and my family? How will I live with myself? This is just too much, Jesus!

How about the rich man in Matthew 19:20-22 "All these I have kept," the young man said. "What do I still lack?" Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow Me." When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. Lord, surely you want me to be happy and prosperous. Haven't I heard that message spouted from the multitude of the TV preachers? You don't really expect me to give up everything I have worked so hard for, do you? Life is hard enough, Lord, and now You are asking me to do what??? Jesus knew exactly where the rich man's vulnerability was - his wealth and his possessions. For others of us it may not have anything to do with wealth and material things. Instead it may be our success in the secular world or our image in the eyes of our friends and family. Perhaps it is our status in the church in which we are members. We each have our own weakness that will keep us from denying ourselves and following Jesus. That is what He is going to ask us to give up so that we can pick up our cross and follow Him.

I have been consistently hearing the same word from the Lord. We are in a season in which He wants obedient, committed laborers in the field. He will not be leaving the passionate saints in any one position too long for service. The dangers of staying in one ministry without movement is that it becomes a place of familiarity and comfort for us. We know what to expect and we begin to expect the routine. We stop looking for the miraculous and instead begin predicting what will happen next. We are not open to the sudden move of God in our lives and the lives of those around us. I am witnessing God moving people from what they thought they were supposed to be doing to a totally new scenario in which they have limited experience. If we become too rooted in a specific activity, it is difficult for God to uproot us and allow us to grow in new gifts and new fruits.

Have you ever purchased an older home whose previous owners had let the shrubbery grow up around the house unchecked? I have and trying to remove those old bushes to allow new growth that did not obscure the home was a very difficult, laborious effort. Yet once done, the new greenery enhanced the house, allowed light through the windows into the house and changed the overall atmosphere of our home. So it is with our life with Christ. He does not want us to become so entrenched, so deeply rooted that we overwhelm the reason we are here - to enhance and further the work of the kingdom. We must be supple, fresh and full of the love of God. Rooting in what we want versus what God wants is detrimental to our purpose here on earth as members of the body of Christ.

As we embrace this season of transition, I encourage you as I am myself to heighten my awareness of the moves of God in my life. I am observing that frequently God will not press us if we do not access an open door He has placed in front of us. He will instead move on to the next willing person. Time is short and He has an agenda. Trust me, frequently God's agenda is very different than the one we have fashioned for ourselves in the kingdom. Let us all become sensitive to what and where He wants us. When He shifts us, let the questions we ask be "What do you want me to do here? What can I do for the kingdom through these circumstances? What can I learn from You? What can move me in deeper with you, Lord? If we will focus on these questions versus the Why questions, we will feel His incredible grace overflow and empower us to accomplish precisely what He has designed for us. Let go of your own stuff and embrace His instead. It will be an awesome journey of that I am confident!

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