In the last half dozen years of my life, I have really begun to pay attention to how the Lord speaks to me through numbers. I have learned that He is truly One who loves patterns in our lives. He is a very ordered God, and through the use of the numbers in our lives, He speaks directly to us about what is happening and what is going to happen. The big numbers in my life have been 3 (representing the Third Day when it came to events in my life), 5 (for Grace - unearned, exquisite, redemptive), 7 (for perfect completion) and 8 (for new beginnings). Understanding the significance of His numbers in my life was a slow dawning, a growing awareness. Maybe some of you are already advanced in seeing His promises in your life through His use of numbers. I believe that there are others of you though like myself who had been walking through life missing this important device of communication. My prayer is that hearing about numbers will grow in you a new awareness of the ingenuity and faithfulness of our Lord.
God started speaking to me directly with numbers when He told me in January 2004 that it was time to write the book He had shown me prophetically in August 2003. More about that revelation in a minute. First here is the historical framework. The vision He had given to me was in the 8th month of 2003. I moved to Georgia after my divorce in July the 7th month of 2003. The awakening for me to come out of the cocoon of denial of my dysfunctional marriage and the submissiveness of co-dependency to those in my world began in May the 5th month 2000. With hindsight here is the interpretation of those events.
I had been in a cocoon of denial of who I was to become in Christ until grace (5th month) in 2000 lifted the veils for me and allowed me to begin to feel the love of God and His delight in who I was as I never had before. It was a difficult and challenging process as I tried to engage others in my life to see me the way that God saw me with His gifts and talents beginning to come alive in me. As that process progressed it resulted in my acknowledging a closure in that phase of my life as I moved forward. I moved to Georgia to start all over recognizing this phase of my life was over/completed (7th month) of 2003. This would also not be the first time that a 3 year cycle would emerge in my life. Scripturally, third days are very significant throughout both Old and New Testament. More revelation on that later too.
The Lord gave me a vision regarding my overcoming my past and writing a book that would minister to many in the 8th month (new beginnings) August 2003. Notice how new beginnings (August) comes after completion (July). Fast forward to January (which is the first month (Deity - Unity) and therefore in this scenario represented my single focus on the Lord. I had left everything and everyone behind including my sons to obediently pursue whatever God was directing. He had literally become my "everything". Now in this month He tells me that the book I will write is my poetry and that it will have 5 chapters (which He named) and each chapter will have 5 poems each. At this time I did not understand the significance of 5 (grace). I began work on my book.
January 2005 I completed the manuscript for my book and invited friends to come to my home to dedicate it to the Lord. 5 women and 2 men were present. The Lord called me to honor Him through serving communion to everyone there. Then He began speaking to all of us about the significance of numbers. He explained that this was like the meal with fishes (2) and loaves (5) and just as that was multiplied so will my ministry through Him. At first I thought he was referring to my book, but the next month the folks that came together in my home to worship and fellowship doubled and thus began a small group ministry that would continue for three more years. At that same dedication meeting, one of the women present exclaimed upon viewing the manuscript that the Lord had prophetically called for Grace for everyone reading this book - 5 chapters and 5 poems in each chapter.
Remember that the year is now 2005 - 5 years since the Lord began his release of divine love through me in a miraculous healing way. July of this same year, the Lord proclaims to me that I am healed (completion) and it is time for me to see the husband that He has placed in front of me. He gave me 2 Kings 20:5 "Go back and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people, 'This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the Lord. I realized that when He gave me that scripture, I had just begun my third year of living in Georgia. This was His prophetic proclamation to me that this year would bring my husband, resolution to my financial distress and blessings that I could not begin to imagine. I had not been seeking any relationships because I was so satisfied with the way the Lord had fulfilled me. But suddenly on July 8th (seriously I am NOT kidding you), I find myself having dinner with an amazing Godly man who is passionately seeking the Lord. God's hand was so clearly in this meeting and the relationship that quickly evolved that in August (new beginnings) we were married. By the way this was just over 7 weeks later. It would have been exactly 7 weeks except that Pastor Perry Keyt was off that day and could not marry us until a few days later.
If you are shaking your heads in disbelief, there is still more. On July 7, 2000, I had written a poem about God's perfect vision of marriage - His kind of covenant marriage. At this time, I was still married to my first husband and was just coming into the realization of my gifts and who I was in Christ. This poem was not a picture of what I was living but was a promise that someday I would experience this love. I had no idea of divorce in my mind any more than that I would someday be an astronaut. The poem depicts a prism and light and how they accidentally come together and then eventually understand that the rainbows they create are meant to bless the world as well as themselves. Literally, exactly 5 years later (Grace) Holy Spirit has me move a prism in my living room as I am preparing for this first date with Glen (my incredible husband now). The entire living room broke out in rainbows.
May (Grace) 2007 the Lord instructs us to move closer to our Tabernacle. We were commuting 35 miles one way for church and activities. August (new beginnings) 2007 we move to our new home here in Powder Springs, GA which was exactly 5 miles from our church and get this, the house number is 1555. In the midst of the real estate downturn, the Lord sells our condo and we are able to make this move.
I could continue to blow you away, but permit me to return to the main theme of this blog today - Seeing the Promise in Our Own Lives. In the last few months as I have been struggling with my mission for Him, which you all have witnessed through these blogs, He has given me incredible new encouragement. Here is the latest numerical assessment of my life. I have just completed 6 years of living in Georgia - I have now entered my 7th year perfect completion. My precious husband just celebrated his double grace birthday - 55. Next month I will celebrate my 57th - grace and completion. Yesterday we celebrated our 4th anniversary which means we have now entered our 5th year of marriage - grace! The icing on the cake is that this October 10th (10 + 10) I will celebrate my 20th (redemption) anniversary of my salvation.
I am so excited about what God is going to unfold in my life in the coming year. I am expecting God without expectations. I have learned through this walk of mine that I cannot begin to imagine the future that He has for me and more importantly for me to try and second guess Him would be putting limitations on His extravagant love for me. My prayer is that this journey through these last few years and how God has spoken to me through His numbers and patterns will open your eyes to some amazing things in your life. Don't try to predict Him but seek to understand how He is communicating with you through the dates and events of your life. You will find that He is amazingly faithful and so passionately in love with you!! Blessings to you on your journey...
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Jan -- I am so glad to see you open to the power of numbers, and the joy of unlocking their mystery. While you have put far more thought than I have into analyzing the numerical patterns that have emerged in your own life, I have long sensed -- and come to respect -- their presence in mine. What is to be so appreciated in your writing on this subject is the acknowledgement of numbers' positive presence in this life. Too often they are portrayed as instruments from which to draw wariness or worse, fear. Thank you for showing by example that, like so many of God's seemingly ambiguous gifts, numbers and numerical patterns are not to be feared at all; rather appreciated and celebrated as yet another tool for propelling us forward and making adjustments on our chosen pathways.