Monday, December 28, 2009

Fruit and The Vine

Jesus spoke mostly in parables using analogies that the people of His day could easily grasp. However He also knew that the people of times to follow would also be able to understand these simple concepts. Much like a professor of university courses would have to simplify the conversation if it were conducted with elementary school children, our Lord simplified His teachings so that we who are not divine would still embrace the critical points. Fruit, vines, trees, branches, farming in general were common themes for our Lord. The pictures that are provoked in our minds from these simple analogies are clear and often very vivid. Remember the fig tree that withered? Matthew 21:19 Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing except leaves on it, "May you never bear fruit again!" Immediately the tree withered. There is no mistaking the meaning of that moment in Jesus' and the disciples' lives. No fruit - no future!

In the Word, "fruit" is used over 150 times depending upon your translation. in the beginning in the Old Testament we read fruit as meaning exactly that - the product of plants and trees. A few times there is reference to the fruit of the womb - clearly indicative of future generations. However when we get to the Psalms, we see a transition to a figurative meaning of fruit that begins to lay the groundwork for Jesus' teachings while He was with us. This is continued through Proverbs. In Isaiah 4:2 we have a true foretaste of what we will be learning. In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel. Isaiah 11:1 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse, from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. And so the references continue to multiple.

Fast forward to Jesus' time and place yourself in the midst of His followers. We would have grown up listening to the rabbis reading from the Holy Word. These readings would be resounding in our minds as Jesus began to speak to us. John 15:4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. Life comes through the rooted vine/tree/plant. Everybody understands the dynamics of nature. Nourishment comes through the roots of the plant. If the branch is cut off, it will immediately cease to grow. It cannot and will not produce the fruit that may have resulted had it stayed connected to its source.

What about us? Are we staying connected to our source? Are we remaining in Jesus so that He can and will remain in us? Producing the fruit that has been predestined for us is only possible if we continue to receive our nourishment from the Source. We can start out strong and even "bud out", but if we decide to go it alone, thinking that we can make it on our own resources and our own strength, we are doomed to failure. None of us has what it takes to sustain our own lives. We are dependent upon His nurture, His care for us, and most importantly His power to give us life. Without Him we are headed in a single direction - death, no fruit from our little branch of the vine. We will quickly wither and become lifeless.

How we choose to stay connected so that we will remain in Jesus may look different for each of us. The key is to understand that remaining in Him means more than just reading the Bible. Remaining in Him so that He can remain in us means living a life that reflects His light and truth. Jesus remaining in us is only possible if we are pursuing a life that depends on Him and surrenders every aspect of our lives to Him. If we are truly connected to the source vine, then we acknowledge we cannot survive without Him. We give Him all the glory for our lives, for anything we achieve and anything that we have. All comes from the Vine to which we are attached. We are nothing without Him. We are dead without Him. We will indeed wither and die without His life giving force.

In this new year that is poised ahead of us, it is my fervent desire to see the connection between the Vine and my branch thicken and strengthen. I want to bear more fruit for Him than I have ever before. I acknowledge that it will only occur if I widen the veins between Him and me so that more of His life giving power can flow through and produce the greatest harvest ever for Him and for His kingdom. I am availing myself to Him, to my vine, to my Source. Prune me, feed me, harvest my fruit, O Lord!

Monday, December 21, 2009

True Wealth in our Lives

Everywhere we turn today - literally today - we are hearing some message about Christmas, be it either about Jesus being the reason for the season or the opposite controversy over putting Christ in Christmas because after all this is really "a secular holiday". I wondered if I was to follow the crowd and write about this week's celebration. Holy Spirit responded with a resounding no - there is something with far more impact on our eternal lives than this one day of remembrance. I pray that all of you, my wonderful readers, do not tire of hearing a theme here lately,but I am not released to leave it, so please bear with me.

What is the focus of our lives regarding the accumulation of wealth and indeed how do we define wealth? During this season of excess, we are truly being watched by our Lord in how we expend the resources that He has given to us. Please do not misunderstand; I am not negating the blessing of both giving and receiving gifts. The question I hear in my spirit is how balanced are we in this giving and receiving of gifts. For many of us, these are very lean times in which our incomes have been drastically reduced or for some our expenses have unexpectedly skyrocketed due to sickness or disaster. Have we made the necessary adjustments to our spending or are we trying to live up to others' expectations for Christmas?

James 5:3 Your gold and silver have become worthless. The very wealth you were counting on will eat away your flesh like fire. This treasure you have accumulated will stand as evidence against you on the day of judgment. What is being described here are our earthly accumulations of material gain, whether that is money, property, possessions, even our reputation and image. Why will they stand as evidence against us on judgment day? Think about what it takes to accumulate wealth. Think about the time and effort it takes to maintain property and possessions. I often reflect on this because the Lord has blessed us with a lovely home that is far more than I ever wanted. I believe He has bestowed this to us because He expects it to be used for ministry. However, not a day goes by without my considering the time it takes to maintain it and continue to confirm with Him that this is still His heart's desire for us.

Ever since He has directed that I remain unemployed in the secular world, we have had to diligently consider how we manage on one income when at the time we arrived in this place we had two. However I know we still make mistakes for varying reasons. Christmas is probably a prime example. The joy of giving is so much fun and to be honest, sometimes I still feel like I am disappointing someone if we don't do a "little something". After all isn't it what we all do at Christmas? Then of course there are the charitable causes that abound this time of year. We need to bless this organization and that one. After all we have some resources and they need those resources. Right? Maybe you all don't have to deal with these issues. I wish I could fund every needy cause and still bless our family with sweet remembrances of our thoughts about them. The truth is though that we just don't have the resources we once had.

The irony of that statement and all of those emotions that I am experiencing is that I have never felt as wealthy as I do right at this moment. The Lord has provided us with what we need and beyond that He has enabled us to help out in varying situations at different times. Do we have a reserve stashed away and a healthy retirement fund to rely on? No. Do we have a faithful God who will continue to meet our needs and give us peace about where we are right now. Yes! I learned a number of years ago when I was facing a very uncertain future financially, not knowing from where my next house payment was coming or how I would pay the electric bill that He has me in the palm of His hand. I continued to walk in my trust and focus on kingdom issues instead of Janice issues. I was humbled and thrilled at the powerful peace that continued to surround and carry me. My wealth then as it does now lay in my relationship with my Lord and His plans for me in His kingdom work.

We are all very familiar with the scripture from Matthew 19:23-24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is very hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I'll say it again - it is easier for a camel (rope) to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" I have placed rope in parentheses because research has raised questions as to what Jesus really said during that conversation. Translators of ancient languages are now saying that the same word is used for camel as for rope or large beam. It was all determined by context. So to try to picture what Jesus was saying, imagine Him walking along the seashore teaching and pointing to an anchor rope while saying this to His followers. Now imagine these fishermen thinking about the needles with which they mend their nets and the anchor ropes that were used with their boats. Is it not a wonder that they said to Jesus, "Then who in the world can be saved?"

Immediately before Jesus spoke this truth to His disciples, a conversation is recorded between Jesus and a young rich man. Matthew 19:16-22 During this conversation the young man wants to know how to achieve eternal life. Jesus instructs him first about keeping all of the commandments. This is followed by the young man's claims to have obeyed all these commandments and inquiry as to what else must be done. When he is instructed further to sell all of his possessions, give everything to the poor and follow Christ, he leaves sad, because he had many possessions. Possessions can and will keep us from eternal life with our Lord.

Am I saying that we all are to become Mother Theresa's forsaking our occupations in this world to go and follow Christ? No. My personal belief is that God provides our occupations in order to provide the resources that we need to practice our profession - ambassadors of Christ. Paul was a tent maker and as he made his way throughout the known world at that time, he provided for himself through his occupation. His main focus though never changed - to preach the Good News to all with whom he came into contact. He never accumulated wealth that we can see, but he managed. God met him where he was and provided for his needs even when he was persecuted and imprisoned. Won't God do the same for us?

Permit me to refocus. We are blessed to be a blessing. Some individuals have been blessed with incredible wealth, and there is an obligation to be an equally incredible blessing to the kingdom. Those who have little also have an obligation to bless through what they have been given. It may look very different, but there will still be a blessing of the Kingdom through their meager resources. Utilizing what God has provided to us is a responsibility every believer has,whether we are the widow with two mites or a wealthy landowner with vast resources at his disposal. Seek where your true wealth lies and my prayer for you as you celebrate Jesus' birth is revelation as to where your wealth is. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Staying the Course...For How Long?

Theology today is so diverse it can become confusing especially to a new believer. When I say theology I am referencing man's interpretation of The Word of God. There are numerous interpretations out today that would have one believe that once they are forgiven by God, once they have accepted Jesus as Savior, the hard part is over. Relax, you are saved! However the actual Word of God does not support that perspective. Increasingly I am discovering scripture after scripture that actually indicates something very different from that.

Yes, accepting Christ's sacrifice as the atonement of our sins is indeed the most crucial decision anyone can make, but our walk with Him is only beginning from that point. Colossians 1:23 But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don't drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. Why would Paul be warning the people of Colosse to not drift away unless that has become a problem for them? His words are strong as he admonishes them to "stand firmly in (the truth)." Clearly there were distractions that were causing them to lose their focus on the Lord and the truth that had originally transformed their lives. We must conclude that if the early Christians could drift away when they still had the power of the anointing of the Apostles in their midst, how much easier it is for us all of these centuries later.

Drifting occurs when we are not paying attention. A boat drifts in the current when it is not being steered or actively powered. Suddenly its occupants realize they have drifted off course and now must work feverishly to get back to where they were headed. How often has that happened to us in our spiritual lives? Our walk with the Lord is suddenly way off course. We are puzzled at how in the world we ended up where we are. This was never our intention, yet here we are anyway - in a place that is dark, uncomfortable and totally lacking in intimacy with our Lord. Drifting... yes, it happens to even the best intentioned of us.

Another perspective on this same concern is presented to us in Psalm 125:4-5 O Lord, do good to those who are good, whose hearts are in tune with you. But banish those who turn to crooked ways, O Lord. Take them away with those who do evil. Three different groups of people are described here: those who are good; those who turn to crooked ways; and those who do evil. Once again, we see that there are people who once were good but "who turn to crooked ways." Evil is in this world, and as long as we are living in this world, we will have to deal with the evil. Temptation is all around us, but it is our choice what we do with that temptation. Do we succumb or do we "stand firm"?

We have the light of Christ within us from the day we accepted Him. Ephesians 5:8-9 For once you were full of darkness, but now you have the light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. Notice the encouragement that comes to the Ephesians in that middle sentence, "So live as people of light!" Why would Paul tell them this if they were all walking in the light without any issues? He would not. Even then people needed to be reminded of what the expectations were for a believer. That has not changed in all of these centuries. We need to be reminded of the expectation for us to live as people of light.

We must reconcile ourselves to the fact that each and every day of our lives we will have to consciously focus on our walk with the Lord. If we allow ourselves to stop "steering the boat" in His direction, if we "turn off the power" by not studying the Word and not staying in fellowship with other believers, we are going to find it increasingly difficult to "stand firm". Philippians 1:10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return. Focusing on what really matters will help us in living those pure and blameless lives. Note that we must do so until the day of Christ's return. Not just for the first few months or years of our life with Christ, but everyday until He comes back. No one knows how long that will be for any of us, but what is the same for each of us is the command to live pure and blameless lives for our entire lives. Christ will either take us from our graves or take us in the rapture. Either way, we must endure to the very end with our eyes on Him.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Love Connection

Was there ever a time in your life when you suddenly, inexplicably felt connected to someone so strongly that it was almost overwhelming? The love that flowed between you was almost electric. When you were in his/her presence there was so much energy pulsating that you literally glowed. I pray that sometime in your life, you have experienced that kind of love. But more importantly my prayer is that you have felt that way about your relationship with our Lord and are still glowing as a result of it. The indefinable love of God in our lives can indeed be that powerful, that overwhelming, that energizing. However we cannot ever take it for granted.

Romans 8:39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below - indeed nothing in all of creation - will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Nothing in all of creation ~ that is a powerful statement. It might lead some people to believe that once they have experienced the love of God, it can never disappear from their lives. The reality is that I know many individuals who love the Lord but feel as if He is not speaking to them, or worse that He is not concerned about their circumstances. If He loved them so much, why are their lives in such chaos? Why does it feel as if nothing will ever be right in their lives? Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever felt distant from the love of God and felt darkness closing in around you?

Having suffered through depression, I know what it is to be in a deep dark hole and not want to connect with anyone. Personally, I knew God was with me in the hole, but it was still incredibly dark. I did not want to get out; life was just too hard at that moment. I wanted to be with Him in eternity and be done with this earth/life stuff. I was not suicidal; I just had no desire to continue fighting the good fight. So where was this powerful love of God from which no power could separate me?

It was right there. Do you know why I could not embrace the love? Read the last phrase in the scripture above - that is revealed in Christ Jesus, our Lord. If I want to experience the fullness of the love of God, I must look for it in Christ Jesus. I need to understand that it is not just laying out there like the dust that occasionally covers my furniture. :-) No the love of God about which Paul is writing is more like the beautiful wildflowers that grow in the depths of the forest. If you want to enjoy their beauty and their fragrance you must go look for them, then bend down and inhale their scent. We must seek Jesus in our lives and when we encounter Him do everything we can to enjoy the fullness of His presence. We do have a responsibility in this relationship.

There are seasons in all of our lives when our circumstances can be so burdensome that we feel as if we are in the depths of the forest with no sunshine breaking through. As hard as it is during those seasons, we must seek the revelation love of Christ. It is only through His love and His carrying our burden that we can move out of that darkness, that heaviness. More than any other time in our lives we need to pursue Him and believe that His love is powerful, healing and available to us.

It is true, there is no power in the sky above or in the earth below that will ever separate us from the love of God - except us. We can separate ourselves from Him. We can make the decision to turn our backs on what He is offering to us and immerse ourselves in the muck and mire of our lives. You don't have to deny the existence of God to separate yourselves from Him. You simply ignore His outstretched hand and His waiting arms. Were you ever lost as a child and felt that desperation of being totally alone and fearing that your mom or dad will never find you - or you them? As a parent, I have experienced one of my sons wandering away on a crowded boardwalk at the beach when my attention was on his little brother. One moment and he was gone. We searched and searched fear growing in our hearts, then suddenly we saw that red striped shirt and that coal black hair as he meandered towards us. The irony was he was not lost in his eyes; he was just checking things out.

How about you? Are you just checking things out and temporarily wandered away from the love of your Father God and your precious Savior Jesus not forgetting the infinite power of Holy Spirit quietly waiting inside you for recognition again? Or perhaps you are lost in the depths of the forest and don't see the sunshine or the wildflowers. Let me encourage you to turn running back to Him. Let Him embrace you and reassure you of how much He loves you and misses you. He did not leave us; we wandered away from Him. He is there waiting - go and enjoy His love in its fullness!

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Daily Battle

The message is everywhere I turn - in my devotions, in my Pastor's message on Sunday, in the text of a book I am reading. Far too many of us struggle with seeking the approval and praise of the people in our lives. During this season of Thanksgiving and Christmas the pressure seems to escalate. So much to do, so many people to take care, so many needs to be met. Our perception can become very distorted as we experience all of these voices crying out at the same time. If we are not watchful, the sound will drown out the one voice we are supposed to be seeking and hearing, the voice of the one who created us and who is so mindful of the status of our hearts, our spirits. Who is it that we are really supposed to be focusing on pleasing?

Romans 2:29 ... And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law, rather it is a change of heart produced by God's Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praises from God, not from people. 1Thessalonians 2:4...Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts. Seek the approval of God, not man. This advice appears in other places in the Word, yet we still struggle with seeking man's approval. How frustrating we have made our lives by looking in the wrong direction for the praise and acknowledgment that we are loved and appreciated. The sad realization for me is that I know better. He has shown me time and time again that lowering my eyes to the level of my fellow human being and vainly striving to earn their approval only brings me disappointment and feelings of inadequacy. It is not that people in my life don't love me or even appreciate me. It is that I am focusing my energies in the wrong direction in trying to please them. When my daily focus is on what those around me need and expect, I fall short of meeting the goals that my Lord has set forth for my life. In fact, sometimes, I cannot even see them for the fog of "earthly needs" as seen through my perspective.

I am relatively certain that there is someone reading this that has struggled with performance issues throughout their lives. It has been a struggle for me since my childhood. Never feeling "good enough". Never feeling as if I had finally climbed to the crest of the hill and could now relax and glide down. If you can identify with what I am saying than you know how exhausting that is. You try to be everything for everybody frequently falling short of even excelling in what you are gifted. This season of the year, those efforts are not only exhausting, but they can be overwhelming causing severe depression and desperation. That is not the desire of Him who loves us more than we can imagine.

Recently I have written about the Body of Christ and how we are all uniquely gifted in some way that makes the body complete. We need to remember this as we try to shift from the "super person" mentality into a God-pleasing mentality. I am reading an interesting book that was written over 20 years ago. Don't you love finding a gem? In The Different Drum, Dr. Scott Peck wrote about community from many different aspects. This morning, I read the following: It is true that we are called to wholeness. But the reality is that we can never be completely whole in and of ourselves. We cannot be perfect. We cannot be doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers, farmers, politicians, stonemasons, and theologians all rolled into one. It is true that we are called to power. Yet the reality is that there is a point beyond which our sense of self-determination not only becomes inaccurate and prideful but increasingly self-defeating. It is true that we are inevitably social creatures who desperately need each other not merely for sustenance, not merely for company, but for any meaning to our lives whatsoever. The Body of Christ needs each member in order to be complete, in order for the incredible plan of God to be complete.

If each of us are struggling to be everything to everyone, we are not only in error, but we are preventing the other members of the body, the other people in our lives, to carry their responsibilities, to fulfill their functions as designed by the Creator. I listen to the heartbreak of people around me as they battle to fulfill what they perceive to be the expectations of those around them. I hear the exhaustion in their voices, in their words. I can readily identify with the battle that is being waged. Yet there is no peace in this battle. This is not the good fight to be won that is referenced in scripture.

When we come along side the other members in the body of Christ, each carrying their own individual shield and sword, we become a mighty army and can sustain each other. We can encourage our brothers and sisters because we recognize that each of us has an obligation to carry our weight in this world. God has destined each of us with a specific assignment. One powerful revelation that He has shown me is that I am not to try everything until I figure out what He is specifically calling me to do. Is that a novel idea for you? Ponder that for a moment. Many of us feel as if we have not yet identified or walked into our lifelong calling. So in the meantime, what do we do? Everything that comes in front of us!! I am as guilty of this as anyone out there. Desperately wanting to feel as if I am making a contribution to the kingdom and making a difference, I would tackle anything that came my way, especially when in a season of transition and waiting on a word from the Lord. But is that His desire for our lives? I think not. How can I hear Him if I don't stop long enough to rest in Him and just breathe in the presence of Holy Spirit?

I want to hear Him. I want to know what it is specifically that He has called me to do. It does not matter that as I look around me, I see many people achieving what I value as awesome accomplishments for their lives and for the kingdom. I should not compare myself to them. It is hard for me to not compare when I devalue where I am and what I am doing. I need to ask God am I doing what you want for this moment in time even if it seems insignificant to me. I cannot see the whole picture. I have no clue as to the value of my thread in the tapestry of life - of the world - of all of creation. I must learn to believe that He values me and what I am doing, if I am indeed listening to Him and can find peace in the answer that I get. So must you. For whomever God has had me write this message, please be encouraged. You are valued beyond your imagination. Set your heart on His heart. Set your eyes on on His majesty and rest in knowing that He loves you. Live daily to please Him and not your fellow man. God's praises are not only sufficient, they are fulfilling beyond any words that man can give you.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Power to Remove Veils

Have you ever been so committed in helping someone see and experience the Truth in Jesus Christ that you felt you were going to burst with frustration when the epiphany never occurred? No matter what you say, no matter what argument you put forth or logic or scripture that you use, the darkness remains. You know the Truth; the Truth has changed your life. You are desperate to have this person about whom you care so much to experience this same transformation through which He has brought you. However you feel your desperation goes unanswered. Why? Aren't we supposed to change lives through the Gospel? Isn't that the Great Commission?

I have struggled for years with these questions as I watched people that I love go in directions that were away from the Lord. It has only been in the last few years that my precious Lord has begun to give me revelatory truths about the whole picture. Multiple scriptures emphasize the message that He spoke to me and as I listen to my brothers and sisters in the body of Christ proclaim their frustration, the clarity of this message from Him grows. It is simply this: we cannot lift the veil that blocks understanding. Only One can do that and He is our Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:16-17 But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. So we wonder, how can someone turn to the Lord before the veil is lifted? When does this critical transition take place? And why does it seem that others turn their backs on Him after they have had revelation knowledge about Him?

I don't have answers to the very questions that I raise, but I do know what scripture tells me. Matthew 13:12 To those who listen to my teaching more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding will be taken from them. Clearly growing in the Lord is a process, a journey that we are all traveling. As we grow in Him, He will take us deeper, giving us more knowledge and understanding, but if we refuse to listen, the journey abruptly comes to a halt. Think about this from the perspective of those who are on the threshold of opening their hearts to the Lord. There is a crack in the door, a ray of light is shining on their hearts, and the Lord will take advantage of that minute turn towards Him and provide more understanding, more knowledge. The veil will begin to lift. It is a heart matter, not a head matter. The heart - our soul - knows the difference between right and wrong and knows the direction to turn for true freedom. The flesh will battle this turn of direction, especially if the flesh is being satisfied with earthly distractions. However, God's heart is that not one will perish, so He pursues us, each of us.

Matthew 9:12 -13 When Jesus heard this, He said, "Healthy people do not need a doctor - sick people do." Then He added, "Now go and learn the meaning of this scripture; 'I want you to show mercy not sacrifices.' For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners." All the Lord needs is a repentant heart which grasps that the status quo of life is not what it should be. God can take that little opening and shed His light in the darkness. He can lift the veil so that each person can see Him for the answer. Holy Spirit is indeed our teacher, counselor, comforter. He stands at "the ready" eager to bring revelation to each person open to hear it in their souls and thus their spirits can become transformed.

Are we capable of accomplishing that? No. We are called to show mercy in how we live our lives and to provide examples of what transformed lives look like. We do take the gospel to the ends of the earth, but we do so with His love stamped all over our lives. We begin by ministering to those we are trying to reach, setting the stage if you will so that God can then do his work and lift the veil. Let us never be confused about the facts: we are not the ones that hear the knocking of Jesus on the door and can open it for someone else. Revelation 3:20 "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends. Each person must take that step for themselves. We can present the doorway to them. We can share the life changing power of Jesus Christ in our lives, but each person must turn to the Lord, opening his/her heart and letting Him in.

One particular set of circumstances comes to mind in this regard. There are many well-meaning believers who feel compelled to transform the way our Hebrew Brethren see Jesus Christ. This will only cause great frustration and build an even bigger wall dividing Christians and Jews. The Lord has made it clear throughout scripture that there is a veil in place and only He will lift it. Why are we trying to do His job? Our job is to honor our Hebrew Brethren and demonstrate to them the love of Christ. We are also called to stand beside them and pray for Jerusalem. That is an entirely new topic, but I felt it important because it is still the reiteration of the placement of the veil that prevents understanding. We cannot lift it, only God can.

Many of us believe we are living in the end times. If that is indeed the case then time is short to have an impact on the harvest for the Kingdom. What each of us must come to understand and live, is how can we be the most effective servants for the Kingdom. What is God calling us to do in reaching those that have yet to embrace His love and the Truth that will set them free? Freeing ourselves of the "mandate" that someone else's salvation rests on our shoulders may be the most empowering facet of the next season of life. Never stop presenting the gospel; never stop demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ in your daily life; never stop offering to show someone the "doorway" and ask them to listen carefully for His voice. However free yourself from believing that you are responsible for whether that person hears the knock and Jesus' voice, opening the door to His love. Just keep listening to His voice in your life and He will direct you in exactly the direction He needs you to go. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. It works. I can vouch for it!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our Worth - In Whose Eyes?

It certainly is embarrassing when I realize how my own hard-headedness slows me down in my work for the Kingdom. I don't know about you, but even my best intentions can go awry when my flesh gets in the middle of it. God is so patient with me trying to get me to see things His way. Yet in spite of His patience, His wisdom and the discernment He tries to pass on to me, I can surely get in my own way. This past weekend is a prime example of this struggle. I pray that you will learn from my mistakes and maybe, just maybe, you can avoid the pitfall that I have tripped into a few more times than I would like to admit.

Without question one of the most vulnerable areas of my life, i.e. the one that is the most frequently opened door to the enemy, is my fear of what people are thinking about me. Every time that I think I have conquered that weakness, it comes creeping back into my life in the most insidious ways. Notice I use the word creeping because that is how low and under the radar these little demons are that we let back into our lives.

The whole situation began innocently enough. I had sprained my foot while helping out at a ministry. I heard my foot crack when I injured it and immediately rebuked the chump and claimed my total healing. I was proactive,iced it and kept it elevated for two days. Then I assumed it was totally healed and resumed my breakneck speed of operation. Within 24 hours it was swollen and painful, so to the doctor's I went. No break, just a sprain. Stay off it was the doctor's advice and use crutches to insure swift healing. Well, I did the best that I could given my commitments. Janice's perspective... :-)

It was slowly getting better and then this weekend approached. I was part of leading a major women's retreat called Holy Spirit Encounter. I had already arranged for new leadership to assume many of my previous duties. I knew that God was insuring I kept my priorities straight in empowering others to take a lead and do the job. I did really well for 2 days. Then Saturday came. Suddenly there was more work than workers and I jumped right in. In actuality my foot had been healed and it was feeling pretty good. However I forgot the big picture lesson that the Lord was trying to teach me. I jumped back in full speed and spent the next 36 hours straight on my feet. By Sunday night my lower calf was swollen, bright red and very hot. But my foot felt great!!! Still I could barely walk due to the pain in my leg.

I ended up in the ER after we returned home and spent some downtime while there thinking and praying about what the Lord was telling me. Late Monday night, He revealed it to me. Even though person after person kept telling me to get off my feet Sunday, I would not do it. I kept telling myself, I can't sit while others are working so hard. The Lord however showed me the TRUTH. I was concerned about what people would think if I were just sitting there while they were working. I had heard individuals complaining about what others were and were not doing and I did not want to become a subject of their conversation as well. I knew what I needed to do to care for myself, but I was afraid to do it. Fear is a tool of the enemy, not an instrument of the Lord. Yet I did not recognize it and allowed it to direct my actions. So instead of walking in my healing, I am once again off my feet for a few more weeks!

What is the Biblical perspective on all of this? 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 is a powerful analogy comparing the Body of Christ to the human body. These are passages that are most likely very familiar to us. Often quoted are verses 18-21 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" We understand that each of us has a unique position in the body of Christ. All of us are needed for the purpose for which God has created us. I wonder how often you have read and studied the verses that follow.

Verses 22-27 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. The essence of this scripture is that our individual importance in the body is equal in God's eyes. Whether we are an outside appendage of the body that is visible and active, like a hand or an eye or the mouth, or we are an internal organ that is not highly regarded like a capillary or the lining of the stomach, or maybe just a single cell, God has created a unique purpose for us. If the body is to function in its most efficient manner able to do all that it was created to do, then each part must be functioning.

So it is with the body of Christ. Whether we feel significant or not, we are in His eyes and just as important, we need to regard each other with that same respect and recognition of value. When I think about the experience I had this past weekend and the price I am paying for not believing that it is OK to take care of this little component of the body of Christ, I begin to hear His voice patiently trying to explain it to me again. It does not matter what others think about how and where I function in the body. It does greatly matter what my Lord thinks about how and where I function. He cares greatly that I am in the best condition to perform my function within the body. That means I have to pay attention to all His messages about what I am to do and AM NOT TO DO. Can you imagine trying to use your leg bone as an eye with which to see, or your eye as a bone to hold up the body? Crazy, yet that is exactly what some of us are trying to do.

So let us be content with being who He created us to be and try to be the best we can within our individual place in the body. I know that is my assignment as I rest these next few weeks and allow my leg to heal. I surely hope I have learned this lesson for the last time.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Builders and Their Materials

Most of us have been engaged at some point in our lives in building something - a house, an addition to a house, maybe a piece of furniture, or even a children's play set. One concept that is consistent, no matter what the project, regards the quality of the building materials. The strength and excellence, or the lack thereof, in the materials that we use will greatly impact the life and full utilization of that building/project. Our work as a believer is no different. We are called to be builders of the Kingdom of God, but what are we using as our materials? How effective are we in what we are making if what we are using is faulty?

Last week I made the statement what you say or do either builds up the Kingdom of God or it tears it down. However there is more complexity to our building tasks than simply that. This week I want to examine those intricacies. There are too many of us in the kingdom that are operating with a false sense of security that what we are doing is really good and that it is pleasing to God. What if that is not the case? Please be patient as I try to hold us more accountable for our lives than generally speaking the church is today. In fact, we as a body of believers are sometimes guilty of allowing the "yeast of sin" into the Body of Christ and just turning away believing that we have no place in "judging" others. These are tricky waters and I am venturing into them only because Holy Spirit will not let me do otherwise. I tried, but He began redirecting this entry in spite of my efforts to go elsewhere. So this must be important to Him and therefore to us. Furthermore, the entry disappeared last night as I went to post it. It would seem that the other side does not want you to hear this message either. So here goes!

When we are true builders of the kingdom then our every action and word is somehow contributing to that construction - good or bad. We are all very familiar with scripture that talks about our works, the power of our tongues, etc. But how familiar are we with the scriptures that instruct us on the body of believers itself and the Lord's expectations on how we are to build on it and maintain it? My supposition is that we are more focused on what we are to do with non-believers and carrying out the great commission. What about the great omission?

How many times have you heard a child say, "I did not lie, I just did not tell you."? Within the Body of Christ today there is an epidemic of "not telling you." 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 When I wrote to you before, I told you not to associate with people who indulge in sexual sin. But I wasn't talking about unbelievers who indulge in sexual sin, or who are greedy or are swindlers or idol worshippers. You would have to leave this world to avoid people like that. What I meant was that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a Christian yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or a drunkard, or a swindler. Don't even eat with such people. It isn't my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your job to judge those inside the church who are sinning in these ways. God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say. "You must remove the evil person from among you." This is not a word that we often hear taught in our pulpits or in fact practiced in our churches. Too often fellow believers are turning a blind eye to sinful behavior that is happening in their midst. The classic statement is "Well it is none of my business. God will deal with them." From the scripture that we just read above, God is going to deal with us too. We have been commanded to hold our fellow believers accountable. Uncomfortable, isn't it?

As the builders of the Body of Christ, building on the foundation of Jesus Christ, we will be judged. 1 Cor 3:14-15 If the work survives, that builder will receive a reward. But if the work is burned up, the builder will suffer great loss. The builder will be saved, but like someone barely escaping through a wall of flames. Recognize that Paul is talking about believers, those who have experienced that saving grace of Jesus Christ and have made it to heaven. However he is also discussing the time of Judgment when the Lord evaluates all of our "works".

Thus when we stand before the Lord for the judgment of our "building efforts" how will we fair when He looks at what we did not do for the body of Christ? Yes, our actual works of commission will be evaluated - what is our motivation? Is it to make us look good or feel good or somehow benefit from our own efforts? Or are we engaged in works because of the love of Christ and wanting to share the impact He has had on our lives? However do not allow yourself to be lulled into thinking that the acts of omission will not also be examined because they have as great an impact on the building of the Body of Christ as the others. In fact if we look at the church today in America, I wonder if they have not had a greater impact.

I know that I must re-evaluate my acts of commission and omission. How well am I building the Body of Christ? I want to have something worthy of withstanding the test of fire. I ask you to hold me accountable and I pray that you have someone in your life whom you can ask to hold you accountable. Let us all have beautiful jewels and gleaming precious elements to offer to our King.

Monday, November 2, 2009

No DMZ for Kingdom Warriors

Depending on how old you are, the term DMZ might have significant or no meaning to you. I grew up in the Vietnam era, and DMZ was a common term we heard in the news and in discussions about where friends were in the war. DMZ means De-Militarized Zone. It was to be an area between the two sides that was neutral. Sadly there are many people today who believe that they should live in a DMZ spiritually, a DMZ in which there are no attacks from the enemy and you are safe to live your life the way you want to. The Lord did not call us to live a safe life, a comfortable life, a life in which everybody just accepts us and does not bother us. He called us to follow Him and that has consequences.

Think about all of the times in scripture that we read someone had to make a decision - one way or the other - to follow Jesus or go back to their lives as they were without Him. Frequently Jesus put it very bluntly regarding being hot or cold. There is no lukewarm. There is no safety zone. Not when you choose Christ. Not when you decide to pick up your cross and follow Him. What are the consequences of trying to stay in the middle?

Recall Mark 6 when Herod is given the opportunity to save John the Baptist's life. He had been imprisoned but Herod had been protecting him because he admired him and learned each time he listened to John speak. Mark 6:20 And Herod respected John, knowing that he was a good and holy man, so he kept him under his protection. Herod was disturbed whenever he talked with John, but even so, he liked to listen to him. It would seem that the Lord was lifting the veils from Herod's eyes and giving him a chance to change his life. Sadly like many people, Herod got caught up in the moment when his daughter was dancing for him. He spoke impulsively and made promises to her. When she came back to him with her request to be fulfilled, Herod had a moment in time when he could have chosen the right path, the one God wanted him to choose. However, he was more concerned about what people would think of him than what was the right action to take. Mark 6:26 Then the king was very sorry, but he was embarrassed to break his oath in front of his guests. Too late to turn back from what he had released into the atmosphere, John was beheaded under Herod's orders.

How often have each of us been caught in just such a moment? We say or do things impulsively without consulting the Lord for His desire for our lives and then when those same actions come back to haunt us, we feel powerless to change course. At the time of those actions or words, we probably felt "safe"; this will not impact my testimony; this has nothing to do with how I feel about Jesus and my faith. However, inevitably we come to find out that everything has to do with Jesus and our faith. There is no safety zone, there is no DMZ in our spiritual lives.

Our spiritual lives are intricately woven into every aspect of the world in which we live. We cannot separate "life" from our faith walk. Life is our faith walk. We are called to operate in such a way that we recognize there is no DMZ, there is no safety zone in which our actions don't have repercussions - good or bad. There is no neutral. What you say or do either builds up the kingdom of God or it tears it down. Remember that even when you are physically alone, you are surrounded in the spiritual realm. There are good and bad spirits listening to you and watching you, but most importantly Holy Spirit is there at all times.

My suggestion for all of us this week, myself included, is to evaluate our frame of mind. Have we fallen into the false sense that there is a DMZ for our lives? Do we recognize that every word that we say, every action that we take has a consequence for the kingdom - good or bad? I challenge you to live a life that is HOT for the Lord, not lukewarm. Don't fall into the trap of believing that you can straddle the fence and have it both ways with life. Either you are with the Lord or you are against Him. There is no neutral zone. There is no DMZ. Live your life in such a manner that you are ever ready for whatever comes your way and you have your spiritual armor on, ready at all times.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hope Makes the Difference

Recently I spoke with two different individuals who were both experiencing rough bumps in the road. As I listened to each of them at different times, I noticed a difference in their words, their body language, even their countenance. Both individuals are strong believers; both individuals are faithfully serving the Lord. Yet there was this difference. It was not until I began to seek Holy Spirit's wisdom concerning what I was seeing that revelation came. In one individual the countenance was bright and shining. It came through the eyes as well as the tone of voice. The other was clearly battle weary. What makes the difference?

All of us have experienced seasons of battlefields. I can still clearly recall some of my worst times when there was no one to depend on except the Lord Himself. Finances were a disaster; job situation worse; and no family or friends around to support me in this valley of darkness. Yet even in this deep isolation, I remember being the most determined. I was not about to let the dark side control my life and my countenance. My worship was more fervent. My joy in the Lord was my rock. In fact it is easier to be passionate when things are going wrong then when everything is just peachy keen, at least that is how it is for me.

We aren't the only ones though who have experienced dark times and had to rely on the Lord. Consider Job - no don't tune out yet. Job was certainly in a very dark place and was having difficulty being joyous in his circumstances. In fact he lamented a lot about what was happening to him and talked to God A LOT about it. However if you read Job carefully you will find wonderful little nuggets of truth in his statements. Job 12:13 "But true wisdom and power are with God; counsel and understanding are his." 22 "He floods the darkness with light; he brings light to the deepest gloom." What wonderful truths about out God. If we seek His wisdom, power, counsel and understanding, we will find them. He will indeed flood our deepest gloom with His light.

Consider also the disciple Paul. Talk about experiencing some dark places! Everywhere that Paul went, beatings and imprisonment found him. I have been seeking true understanding about the power in which Paul walked that allowed him to endure near death multiple times. Recently I hurt my foot, not badly praise the Lord, but enough that it was painful and difficult to walk. I found myself thinking about Paul's beatings and could not imagine incurring that kind of pain and still being able to function. Then I was quickened by Holy Spirit about today's contemporary martyrs who are incurring the same severe beatings and execution that the early disciples faced. I was chagrined to realize how easy we have it with freedom to worship and speak about the Lord with very few prohibitions.

Luke wrote in Acts about Paul and Silas. Acts 16:22-25 A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods. They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn't escape. So he took no chances but put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. The inner dungeon was like a cesspool. They had suffered a severe beating. Their feet were clamped in stocks. Yet they were singing hymns and praying. OK. How bad are your circumstances?

The Lord has quickened my spirit that some of you out there are really struggling right now. No, you haven't been severely beaten and then locked up in stocks and thrown into a cesspool of a prison. Even our most serious prisoners in this country have it better than some innocents who are poverty stricken, trying to survive in a world that has been turned upside down. There is a sense of panic in many people and a sense of hopelessness in others. Yet still there are many who are maintaining their hope in the Lord and His power, wisdom, counsel and understanding. That is what allows these folks to continue moving forward, one day at a time, even sometimes one hour at a time. Our hope must be in the Lord and not in our ability to pull ourselves out of this mess called life.

This does not call for a relinquishment of our responsibility to continue to walk when we feel like giving up. There are many analogies used frequently to describe this process, e.g. one can sit in the driver's seat of a car forever. However it is not moving forward until you turn it on and put it in drive. God does expect us to be responsible in carrying out our part of our assignment. We cannot passively sit and say, "You do it, God. I am too tired." Even in times of being still, we are still actively seeking Him and praising Him. Job talked to Him and acknowledged His power and glory. Paul and Silas sang and prayed, and went right back to work wining people over to Christ! What are you doing in the midst of your circumstances?

My friends, I encourage you, no matter what is happening in your life, to keep it all in perspective. God is not only our hope but He is in control and will provide wisdom, power, counsel and understanding. He will be the light in the darkest of places for you. Let Him flood your deep gloom with His love. It is there for you. He is there for you. Embrace Him and permit Him to embrace you.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A Fresh Encounter

Have you ever felt as if you needed a fresh encounter with God? Hopefully your response is yes - more than once! All of us need an opportunity to "refresh" with the living breathing Holy Spirit. It is not that He has evaporated from within us. It is a need to go to the next level with Him and grow even more intimate in our relationship with Him. A fresh encounter says to our Lord, I want to hear You tell me more of what dwells in the secret places with You. I want to experience what the Psalms describe as deep calling to deep. Psalm 47:5-8 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me-- a prayer to the God of my life. What an awesome expression of our deepest need in the midst of the storms of life to connect with our God, our promise and our salvation.

Two weekends ago I was humbled and privileged to witness a wonderful group of men receive a fresh anointing from Holy Spirit. All began this journey of three days from different beginning points. Yet all were unquestionably elevated to a new level of intimacy with Holy Spirit. The first requirement for any of us who desire to go deeper with Him is to become available to Him. We must invite Him to take us to wherever we need to be. Frequently there is a hunger, but in our finite existence we are not sure how to satisfy that hunger. Do we even understand that we are hungry? Do we comprehend what can truly satisfy that hunger as nothing else can? Do you?

We all desperately need more of Him in our lives, but how we acquire this will be different for each of us. As I watched the weekend progress, I observed individuals transform each at their individual pace. The Lord permitted me to serve these wonderful gentlemen as a prayer warrior as well as just being where I was needed as a laborer. This enabled me to be on the sidelines and yet spiritually in the midst. My own hunger and need was being met simultaneously because of the powerful presence of Holy Spirit. When you are under an open portal of heaven, the anointing that flows will sweep you off your feet just as flood waters sweep everything due to their mighty power. Rejuvenation, refreshing, cleansing are just a few ways to describe how this feels.

How do we get a fresh anointing in the midst of the chaos of daily life? The first step is to acknowledge that you need a fresh anointing. Recognize that status quo in your spiritual life is not enough. Yearn for more. Nurture that yearning so that it grows so intense it begins to dominate your thinking, your day, your evening, your sleep. More of You, God and less of me. When that yearning becomes alive in you, you then begin to seek His face in new ways.

Begin your search by studying the Word in a different manner than you have previously. If you were doing a daily devotional that has become routine, create a different routine. Seek a new resource that can present the Word to you in a new light. Challenge yourself to one of the in-depth devotionals that tackles more of the Word than a single verse. Commit yourself to a daily time of being still with Him either while you are doing your devotionals or at a different time of the day. During this still time, make an effort to truly be still so that you can hear His voice. Remember that it is hard to listen when we are chatting away. Don't let your prayer time with Him become a repetition of the same thing everyday. Have a conversation with Him. Be real. He is not only Abba caring for you as His child, but He is also your lover and you are His Beloved. Believe that as you speak with Him daily.

James 4:8 Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. It is the beauty of this love relationship we have with our Lord. Think about those people about whom you care the most in your life. What happens to those relationships when you spend time together, sharing the highs and lows of your life? You grow closer. The opposite happens when you are too busy to spend time with each other. Distance grows and then it takes time to once again feel the intimacy that once existed. The very same principles operate in our relationship with our Lord. Spend time with Him; share your heart with Him and experience a new level of intimacy and revelation.

I challenge each of you to do something differently this week to draw close to God so that He can draw close to you. If you journal, then record the changes that will inevitably slowly occur in your life as a result of this new effort on your part to be intimate with the One that loves you beyond your imagination. If you don't journal then just jot down an occasional revelation as it comes to you. Put it in the margins of your calendar or somewhere that you will not lose it. :-) Experience the power of a fresh anointing. He is waiting for you.

My apologies for this post being delayed. We experienced computer issues that involved having to purchase a new computer. God was so faithful though that no data was lost. He is so amazing!! Thank you for your continued interest in hearing a fresh Word from Holy Spirit through this humble vessel. Blessings!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Living an Expectant Life

I have a wonderful mini-poster created by Chuck Swindoll that reflects on the power of attitude in our life. Many of us have heard numerous sayings on that same topic of how our attitude molds and shapes not only our day but our life in total. How seriously do you take that advice and what does that have to do with the Lord in our lives? Recently our precious Lord, my Abba, has revealed to me new depths of that perspective on life and it has unquestionably shifted my entire life into a new dimension. I believe that many of you are ready for a similar shift in your lives and my prayer is that through sharing what has happened to me, you will be able to step into that new dimension.

Several posts ago (August 24th), I shared with all of you that I was celebrating my 57th Birthday. I also shared the significance of the numbers in my life and the patterns that God has consistently used to speak to me, guide me, counsel me. What I did not share was the battle that I was also fighting. My birthday had become a time of remembrance about what I have lost in the natural realm with my obedience to following the Lord in the spiritual realm. In the last 7 years of my life, there was so much turmoil with people that I have loved for most of my adult life. Just as the Lord warns us in scripture, we will be set apart and find relationships dear to us become estranged because we chose to follow Him. So birthdays that are for many people time of celebration with family are for me a time of feeling a void for what is no longer in my life.

Please understand that I am grateful beyond words for the love that God has placed in my life and do not for one minute take it for granted or feel that it is somehow inadequate. But when you are set apart from those that you have loved since the beginning, there is a human sorrow that is present. With that being said, the approach of my birthday was acknowledgement that certain people choose to not be a part of the celebration of who I am or what God is doing in my life. There is a tugging of my heart (flesh) strings that is difficult. Therefore as the day of my birthday approached I really wanted it to pass by as quietly as possible without anyone acknowledging it. But God had other plans.

Just as He had given me the promise of my future in the revelation of the numbers and patterns in my life, He wanted to insure that I understood He was serious about the manifestation of that promise. Those were not idle words on His part. The shift in my life into this new season of promise was to begin on the day that I wanted to forget, the day He brought me into existence. My birthday. One small surprise after another demonstrated to me that God was directly showing me His hesed love through those who are in my life now. Without being cognizant of the shift, my spirit was making a transition to a new level with Him, a new level of intimacy and a new level of hope. Each unveiling of His love for me brought a wave of joy that was so unexpected, yet I was still transitioning so the battle was not quite done.

Over the next day or two the Lord and I conversed deeply about the things that I was battling and He kept showing Himself just as the sun begins to breakthrough after a thunderstorm. First you see the single rays that peek through the departing storm clouds. Then slowly the rays broaden and the heat of the sun begins to warm the damp earth all around you. Finally the clouds are only on the horizon and the sun is brilliantly reflecting off everything that has been freshly washed. This describes exactly what was happening in my spirit and by Sunday morning as I worshipped and lingered in His presence, I was totally captivated by the infinite love of my Lover God.

His message to me was simple yet so profound: Live a life that is expectant of my love, not one that recognizes it after the fact. Live a life that demonstrates that you know without any doubt that I am always about to do something extraordinary for you, my Beloved. Look for my surprises with every breath that you take, in every person you meet, in every aspect of your life. Know that I am here, know that I am your God, know that you are indeed the apple of my eye. Know that in my sight you are indeed "fearfully and wonderfully made"! Psalm 139:14

Living a life that is expectant is different than living a life with expectations. Our expectations are putting God in a box, telling Him exactly what we are expecting Him to do. We put limitations on His magnificence and ability to do exceedingly more than we could possibly expect. Isaiah 55:8-9 "My thoughts are completely different from yours," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." The One who created everything that exists today from our human bodies to the vast universes has a plan for our lives that is so incredible, so beyond our imaginations, if we will just trust Him to guide us. Psalm 37:23-24 The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Did you catch that? Every detail of our lives.... Can you embrace the power of that in your life?

I am embracing that power. I am experiencing a freedom that I have not enjoyed at this level yet in my life. I am expecting my awesome Lord to surprise me each day as I keep my eyes on Him. Understand that is a requirement of walking in this level of joy. If I am not constantly watching Him, I will easily miss what He is doing in my life. If I become preoccupied with my life and not HIS life, I will totally miss the blessings He is pouring into my life. Remember the expression, "It is all in the details"? Well it really is. God is into the details of my life and through the details comes the grand plan that He has developed for me. Yes, the year 5770 is going to be amazing for this 57 year old Beloved of God. I am eagerly awaiting the most amazing year of my life to unfold! How about you?

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Floodgates of our Lives

With all of the wild water that has flowed through Georgia in the past week, I became acutely aware of the power of water. The damage that we have witnessed and the people that we know personally whose lives have been forever altered is beyond description. However this same scenario also caused me to reflect on the power of the Living Water in our lives. There is similarity in the power of the Living Water to forever alter the lives through which it flows. It is truly a force to be respected just as the physical power of water needed to be respected by those in its path. Sadly there were those who were caught unaware by this power and lost much including life itself, but the force of the Living Water is not one we should fear but embrace.

The flood waters that covered much of the metro Atlanta area were not controlled by floodgates. In fact much of the damage came from once quiet streams and creeks that were overwhelmed by the 21 inches of water in 24 hours. The channels meant to send this water onward were unable to manage such an abundance. In our lives though we control the floodgates for the Living Water. We control the channels through which we will allow the power of Holy Spirit to flow or be blocked. Unlike the physical flood waters of this past storm, the abundant flow of the Living Water in our lives brings blessing and positive change, not destruction.

Have you ever considered how you are managing the Living Water floodgates in your life? Are they wide open to encourage the free flowing river of healing waters in your life or are you controlling the release, believing that you know best when you need a "fresh anointing" from Holy Spirit? In some cases, it may be that the floodgates have even rusted shut from lack of use. Remember that Holy Spirit in fact all the members of the Trinity are gentlemen and will not force their way into your life. Unlike the muddy turbulent waters of this past week that respected nothing - roads, bridges, river banks, walls, doors or windows shut to them, our loving God respects our right to choose to allow Him into our lives or not.

We have the choice to accept the priceless sacrifice of Jesus Christ's death for our salvation. We have the choice to invite the anointing and power of Holy Spirit to operate in our lives. We have the choice to obey or disobey the commands Abba Father gave us to guide us in correct living. The victims of the flood waters had no choice about the destruction that pushed through their lives. Yet here we have an incredible force that can change the channels of our lives forever in a beneficial way if we will only choose to open the flood gates.

Are you in need of a fresh flow of Living Water in your life? As I reflect on all of the events that are happening in my life, I have realized that I daily need the fresh flow of healing waters. I am blessed that this has not been a season of drought although I have certainly experienced those in the past. However I am now understanding that the droughts of our lives may well be the result of our control of the floodgates. Jesus made us a promise while He walked this earth. Luke 11:9-10 "And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks." Why would Jesus make us this promise if He did not intend to keep it? Notice that there is no timeline in this promise; we are to continue to believe that the fulfillment will be manifested - in His perfect time for our lives.

I encourage you to examine the floodgates that control the Living Water in your lives. Whatever condition in which you find them, make a decision that today you will fling them wide open and invite the power of these waters to literally flood your life. Ask and you will be given; seek and you will find. Open wide the door that permits the full power of God to alter your life.

Monday, September 14, 2009

How's Your Wedding Attire?

Most of us identify immediately when we hear that we are the Bride of Christ and that we are awaiting the marriage ceremony and wedding feast. We know that the only way we can be dressed for the upcoming wedding is with the robe of righteousness that comes with our sincere repentance and accepting the blood of Jesus Christ as our garment. My question for you is how long ago did you don your wedding garment and what condition is it in? Sadly many of us accepted Christ many years ago and dressed in our brilliant white, spotless garments on that day, but since that day our choices have soiled our garment. Are we really ready for the wedding? I wonder.....

In my studies I came across the following scripture from Revelation 16:15 "Take note: I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed are all who are watching for me, who keep their robes ready so they will not need to walk naked and ashamed." Suddenly I visualized the wedding garment that was now somewhat soiled because I had slipped here and there and while I got up again, perhaps I had not truly repented and turned from that which caused me to fall. Without true repentance my garment is no longer the robe of righteousness.

Unfortunately I am keenly aware of many Christians who would argue with me that once forgiven always forgiven and there is no way that one can lose the white garment of righteousness, our robe for the marriage ceremony and wedding feast. However, as I read this scripture above, I paid particular attention to the phrase keep their robes ready. Why would Jesus in talking with John about all things relevant to the future use a present tense verb and imply that this is an ongoing state? I believe that this is to warn us that it is easy to not have our robes ready. As I look back on the past twenty years since I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I can recall decisions that I have made that absolutely were not the right ones. Did I think so at the time? Of course! I would have not made them otherwise, but now as a more mature believer, I can see through my rationalizations and immediately recognize how I was deceived by my arch enemy into disregarding my wedding attire.

We all should know that when it comes to the standard the Lord will use during judgement it is Himself. We will not be compared to any other human being because none of us are worthy to enter into His presence on our own merit. So if we are making decisions that we justify by comparing ourselves to someone else, we will surely miss the mark. The only way to be chosen for Jesus' bride is to make sure we have exchanged our soiled garments for the white robe of righteousness.

Why is this of such importance? Because we know that He will come as unexpectedly as a thief. We never expect a thief to come - that is always something that catches the victim by surprise. The historic parallel to this is in the ancient Hebrew wedding traditions. The final two stages of this covenant between bride and groom are Kiddushin (The Betrothal) and Nissuin (The Nuptials). In Kiddushin, the cup of acceptance is shared by the potential Bride and Groom. This was done for us by Jesus with His blood. Then the groom goes to prepare the Huppah while the bride is to begin her preparations through purification (Mikveh), undistracted devotion and anticipation. That is what we are to be doing daily. In Nissuin, only the Father of the Groom (Abba Father) can decide when the groom may return for His bride. The groom's arrival is unexpected by the bride. He then abducts the bride who is finely dressed and crowned. That is the time of the marriage feast and future happiness is declared for the bride and groom to dwell together. (If you would like to learn more about the parallels between Hebrew wedding tradition and Scripture, visit

Back then to my original question, are we ready for the wedding? Are we daily in the process of purification, undistracted devotion and anticipation of our wedding day? Personally I know that I must check my wedding garment everyday to make sure that the "soil" of the previous day has not prohibited my being clothed and ready for the abduction. Although Jesus said He would come like a thief, we also know from Scripture (Mark 13:29, Matthew 24:33) Just so, when you see the events I've described beginning to happen, you can be sure that his return is very near, right at the door. The events of these past few years, especially this year, should have us all eagerly anticipating His return anytime. Are you ready, clothed in His righteousness, or will He find you naked and ashamed? We have no excuses.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Legacy of Former Generations

Have you ever been told you have a generational curse on your life? I have heard this expression many times and in fact have struggled with it myself. However, I have recently come to a fresh and deeper interpretation of what this means and the power that the Lord gives us to deal with these historical aspects of our lives. My prayer is that what has been revealed to me will provide a new perspective for you on your past and that of your ancestors.

In studying Ezekiel I was led to explore the power of chapter 18. Within this chapter, the Lord is declaring to Ezekiel that a certain proverb dealing with fathers and children shall no longer be used. He then explains in depth to Ezekiel the actual status of the individual soul stating in verse 4 "Behold all souls are Mine; The soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine; The soul who sins shall die." He goes on to describe specific behaviors that either bring life or death, moving from one generation to the next. When we reach verse 17,the Lord is concluding His description of a just son whose father is unjust. Ezekiel 18:17 - 18 ...helps the poor, does not lend money at interest, and obeys all my regulations and laws. Such a person will not die because of his father's sins; he will surely live. But the father will die for the many sins he committed – for being cruel and robbing close relatives, doing what was clearly wrong among his people. The Lord recognizes the obedience of the son in living the will of God, and punishes the father for his disobedience.

So how do we reconcile that scripture with the following from Exodus 20:5 You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god! I do not leave unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations.? We know that the Word never contradicts itself. We must seek to hear the voice of the Living Word to help us understand what is being taught to us. As I have sought the intimacy of the relationship that I cherish with my Lord, I have been blessed to have gained a deeper understanding of His sacred romance with us. Through the work of John Eldredge and Brent Curtis in their book by the same name Sacred Romance I have learned that there are generational interpretations of life which heavily influenced how we view life and how we react to what happens to us. Let me explain further.

We all see life through a filter that colors how we interpret what is happening in our lives, whether we are considering emotional, physical, environmental or any other kind of circumstance. Many times we have tunnel vision. The sad part is that this tunnel vision has been handed down to us through the generations. The Lord opened my eyes during my time of personal study with Sacred Romance to understand that the way I was raised by my parents was heavily influenced by how they were raised. If that sounds too simplistic, please consider this. If a parent was raised in an extremely structured environment in which affection was not shown, and imperfection was not allowed, then the role model that exists is black and white and non-dimensional. There are no other patterns in which to explore how to parent. This must be how it is done because that is how "I" was raised. Even if one is astute enough to sense that there must be a different way, it is very difficult to break those patterns that have been laid in your brain for decades.

I see this relating to the scriptures that I have just shared with you because we truly "suffer" when our home environment is anything less than the prefect harmony God desired when He created His children. For example, abuse is clearly documented as being generational. The majority of abusers in the world suffered abuse as a child. Did they determine early on that they would abuse someone in their future lives because of how they were treated? I don't believe so. In fact my spirit aches for them because I believe the opposite was true. Early on their lives they determined they would not be like that parent. However, life was interpreted in a very ugly way to them, and they don't have any other interpretation to use. Hence when circumstances in their lives begin to pattern their early experiences, without recognizing what is happening, they fall back on "known" behavior patterns.

Let me establish right now that I am not a clinical psychologist and I am also not justifying abuse. What I do want to do is introduce to you the concept that the choices our prior generations make have consequences that God is going to allow because they originated in free will. God will not interfere with free will. He is also a just God and will not allow disobedience to go without punishment. Our bad choices will impact our children. We cannot prevent that. We can make better choices though and that can alter the outcome.

God clearly recognizes obedience. Therefore even if someone has suffered at the hands of their elders, and even if that has come down through the generations, each individual can through the power of Holy Spirit alter the outcomes for future generations. We can recognize the limited interpretation of life which we were given and seek the rich full interpretation of life provided by God. We can choose life over death and we can stop the "generational curse" from continuing. We do this through the incredible power of Holy Spirit living within us. It begins with forgiving those that have hurt you so that you may also receive total forgiveness through the blood of Jesus.

I have made many mistakes in my life and I suffer as I watch the impact of those decisions on the ones that I love so dearly. Through the power of Holy Spirit I am seeking to change, to be transformed, so that the interpretations of life with which I grew up can also change and have a positive impact on those that I love. I cannot do this alone. I cannot do this through my determination and my power. I can only do this through His power and His love operating in me. I am humbled by what He has shown me that needs to change and by His ever present encouragement and unconditional love. I know that if I want "generational curses" to be broken in my life and for my children and grandchildren, then I must do more than proclaim it. I must walk it out. I am so grateful that I do not have to walk it out alone; He is always with me. Blessings to each of you as you explore this journey called life.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Seeing the Promise in Our Own Lives

In the last half dozen years of my life, I have really begun to pay attention to how the Lord speaks to me through numbers. I have learned that He is truly One who loves patterns in our lives. He is a very ordered God, and through the use of the numbers in our lives, He speaks directly to us about what is happening and what is going to happen. The big numbers in my life have been 3 (representing the Third Day when it came to events in my life), 5 (for Grace - unearned, exquisite, redemptive), 7 (for perfect completion) and 8 (for new beginnings). Understanding the significance of His numbers in my life was a slow dawning, a growing awareness. Maybe some of you are already advanced in seeing His promises in your life through His use of numbers. I believe that there are others of you though like myself who had been walking through life missing this important device of communication. My prayer is that hearing about numbers will grow in you a new awareness of the ingenuity and faithfulness of our Lord.

God started speaking to me directly with numbers when He told me in January 2004 that it was time to write the book He had shown me prophetically in August 2003. More about that revelation in a minute. First here is the historical framework. The vision He had given to me was in the 8th month of 2003. I moved to Georgia after my divorce in July the 7th month of 2003. The awakening for me to come out of the cocoon of denial of my dysfunctional marriage and the submissiveness of co-dependency to those in my world began in May the 5th month 2000. With hindsight here is the interpretation of those events.

I had been in a cocoon of denial of who I was to become in Christ until grace (5th month) in 2000 lifted the veils for me and allowed me to begin to feel the love of God and His delight in who I was as I never had before. It was a difficult and challenging process as I tried to engage others in my life to see me the way that God saw me with His gifts and talents beginning to come alive in me. As that process progressed it resulted in my acknowledging a closure in that phase of my life as I moved forward. I moved to Georgia to start all over recognizing this phase of my life was over/completed (7th month) of 2003. This would also not be the first time that a 3 year cycle would emerge in my life. Scripturally, third days are very significant throughout both Old and New Testament. More revelation on that later too.

The Lord gave me a vision regarding my overcoming my past and writing a book that would minister to many in the 8th month (new beginnings) August 2003. Notice how new beginnings (August) comes after completion (July). Fast forward to January (which is the first month (Deity - Unity) and therefore in this scenario represented my single focus on the Lord. I had left everything and everyone behind including my sons to obediently pursue whatever God was directing. He had literally become my "everything". Now in this month He tells me that the book I will write is my poetry and that it will have 5 chapters (which He named) and each chapter will have 5 poems each. At this time I did not understand the significance of 5 (grace). I began work on my book.

January 2005 I completed the manuscript for my book and invited friends to come to my home to dedicate it to the Lord. 5 women and 2 men were present. The Lord called me to honor Him through serving communion to everyone there. Then He began speaking to all of us about the significance of numbers. He explained that this was like the meal with fishes (2) and loaves (5) and just as that was multiplied so will my ministry through Him. At first I thought he was referring to my book, but the next month the folks that came together in my home to worship and fellowship doubled and thus began a small group ministry that would continue for three more years. At that same dedication meeting, one of the women present exclaimed upon viewing the manuscript that the Lord had prophetically called for Grace for everyone reading this book - 5 chapters and 5 poems in each chapter.

Remember that the year is now 2005 - 5 years since the Lord began his release of divine love through me in a miraculous healing way. July of this same year, the Lord proclaims to me that I am healed (completion) and it is time for me to see the husband that He has placed in front of me. He gave me 2 Kings 20:5 "Go back and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people, 'This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the Lord. I realized that when He gave me that scripture, I had just begun my third year of living in Georgia. This was His prophetic proclamation to me that this year would bring my husband, resolution to my financial distress and blessings that I could not begin to imagine. I had not been seeking any relationships because I was so satisfied with the way the Lord had fulfilled me. But suddenly on July 8th (seriously I am NOT kidding you), I find myself having dinner with an amazing Godly man who is passionately seeking the Lord. God's hand was so clearly in this meeting and the relationship that quickly evolved that in August (new beginnings) we were married. By the way this was just over 7 weeks later. It would have been exactly 7 weeks except that Pastor Perry Keyt was off that day and could not marry us until a few days later.

If you are shaking your heads in disbelief, there is still more. On July 7, 2000, I had written a poem about God's perfect vision of marriage - His kind of covenant marriage. At this time, I was still married to my first husband and was just coming into the realization of my gifts and who I was in Christ. This poem was not a picture of what I was living but was a promise that someday I would experience this love. I had no idea of divorce in my mind any more than that I would someday be an astronaut. The poem depicts a prism and light and how they accidentally come together and then eventually understand that the rainbows they create are meant to bless the world as well as themselves. Literally, exactly 5 years later (Grace) Holy Spirit has me move a prism in my living room as I am preparing for this first date with Glen (my incredible husband now). The entire living room broke out in rainbows.

May (Grace) 2007 the Lord instructs us to move closer to our Tabernacle. We were commuting 35 miles one way for church and activities. August (new beginnings) 2007 we move to our new home here in Powder Springs, GA which was exactly 5 miles from our church and get this, the house number is 1555. In the midst of the real estate downturn, the Lord sells our condo and we are able to make this move.

I could continue to blow you away, but permit me to return to the main theme of this blog today - Seeing the Promise in Our Own Lives. In the last few months as I have been struggling with my mission for Him, which you all have witnessed through these blogs, He has given me incredible new encouragement. Here is the latest numerical assessment of my life. I have just completed 6 years of living in Georgia - I have now entered my 7th year perfect completion. My precious husband just celebrated his double grace birthday - 55. Next month I will celebrate my 57th - grace and completion. Yesterday we celebrated our 4th anniversary which means we have now entered our 5th year of marriage - grace! The icing on the cake is that this October 10th (10 + 10) I will celebrate my 20th (redemption) anniversary of my salvation.

I am so excited about what God is going to unfold in my life in the coming year. I am expecting God without expectations. I have learned through this walk of mine that I cannot begin to imagine the future that He has for me and more importantly for me to try and second guess Him would be putting limitations on His extravagant love for me. My prayer is that this journey through these last few years and how God has spoken to me through His numbers and patterns will open your eyes to some amazing things in your life. Don't try to predict Him but seek to understand how He is communicating with you through the dates and events of your life. You will find that He is amazingly faithful and so passionately in love with you!! Blessings to you on your journey...