Have you ever had a miscommunication with someone that dramatically altered the flow of energy between you and another person? A miscommunication that was very simply a misunderstanding of what you thought you heard versus what that person had actually said? It happens every day all around us and frequently to us. I know because I have experienced the intense results of the misinterpretation. Have you considered that this could happen between you and God? What if you thought you knew what you were supposed to do and why you were to do it but in reality, you missed what God was saying to you? What if.....
As I studied my bible this morning and began studying the prophets, Isaiah in particular, I began thinking about the nations of Israel and Judah which were at that time separate kingdoms. Many times throughout their histories, these nations did not hear the heart of God and what they thought they heard, they misinterpreted in a manner that was comprehensible to them and to their way of life. Sadly they got way off track and paid a very dear price for their carnal thinking. But what about us? Are we capable of making similar mistakes?
Holy Spirit got my attention this morning as He posed a thought to me. What if everything that I have lived through thus far in my life was not meant to shape me and prepare me for ministry, but rather to draw me closer to our Lord, shedding in the process all of those beliefs, feelings and "things" that blocked His access to me and vice-versa? What if the ultimate goal for my life is agape love? His for me and mine for Him? Sound selfish and egotistical to you? Well let's think this through.
What is the greatest commandment? Matthew 22:36-38 "Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?" Jesus replied, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. Sometimes we skip too lightly over this scripture. We know it by heart, yet do we really embrace what it means with our lives? It is a commandment. Love God with everything that is you and do this before anything else. Jesus did not say that the first commandment was to build a fantastic ministry. He did not say to wear yourself out serving the kingdom. He did not say to win a thousand souls to Him. He said, Love Him.
So where does all of that serving stuff fit in? The second greatest commandment: Matthew 22:39-40 A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments." If we love God first and foremost than being filled with that love, we will be naturally inclined to share it with the world. You cannot contain it. God could not contain His love - He had to do something with it - like create a world and create man and woman to have fellowship with Him - to share His love.
Personally I think that I got caught in one of those miscommunications. I became so focused on doing for Him because I love Him that I lost sight of the primary objective - love Him and make myself accessible to Him. Gradually I have begun to see that the things I am not doing, or perceive as failure on my part because I am not making a "significant" contribution are fading into the background. What is becoming crystal clear is that He is drawing me to Him and my passionate desire is to draw close to Him.
Recently my Ladies Tuesday Bible Study group studied Hagar as one of the Lost Women of the Bible (a book by Carolyn Custis James). One of the aha moments for us came as we discussed what happened in the wilderness the first time Hagar ran away, when she was just pregnant with her son. She encountered God face to face, close enough that she gave Him a name "El Roi" - the God who sees me. He instructed her to return and she did so with no argument, even though she was going back to a very abusive situation. We do not hear again of Hagar behaving badly towards her mistress. When Hagar and Ishmael are forced to leave the second time, it is Ishmael's fault, not Hagar's. What could have possibly happened to create such a transformation in Hagar? Perhaps the answer is as simple as God's love.
When we have an encounter with our God and experience His love unhindered and unconditional, it should have as strong an influence on us as it did on Hagar. Can we be bold enough to let go of the "stuff" of our lives and focus on Him? Can we learn to languish in His love and then out of the abundance of that love, flood the lives of those around us? What if that is truly His heart? What if He did indeed create us for relationship with Him, to love Him, dwell in Him and enjoy His presence? What if... would it change how you live your life today? Think about it. Selah!