Saturday, January 29, 2011

Controlled Burn

Back around 1998 wild fires were raging in Central Florida.  I remember because my sons were on a mission trip there from North Carolina and there was great concern back home for their safety.  Highways were closed, smoke was debilitating and the fires were running rampant.  More than one person from Florida expressed the opinion that if the state had been maintaining controlled burns this would have never happened.  The costs were well in excess of $100 million, far greater than the annual costs of controlled burns.  Consistent clearing away of the undergrowth and debris maintains a healthy forest.  Unchecked growth creates a climate that chokes life out of the forest while making it vulnerable to the rampages of fire.  Now take this scenario and impose it over our spiritual lives. 

We begin our spiritual lives as a young sapling.  Often at these early stages we are surrounded and encouraged by more mature believers guiding us in our growth.  As we progress and live life, weeds creep in and begin growing around us.  Sometimes we recognize them and pull them out (roots and all) but sometimes we ignore them thinking they will just go away.  Sadly they may die off in a season but the roots remain for them to pop back up next season stronger and larger than previously.  Additionally things come into our lives that are just debris and they clutter the space around us.  Over the years, the debris and the undergrowth build up.  We are trying to grow tall and healthy in this forest of life, but must struggle against the things that inhibit our health, our spiritual wellness.

We have the availability of a controlled burn in our lives.  Holy Spirit is the cleansing fire that can burn away the debris and hold in check the growth of those weeds that would love to choke the life out of us.   Acts 15:8-9 God, who knows people's hearts, confirmed that he accepts Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he gave him to us. He made no distinction between us and them, for he also cleansed their hearts through faith.   God knows our hearts and knows what is going to prevent us from stepping into the fullness He has destined for us.  Hence He provided Holy Spirit to walk with us through this life because we cannot do life on our own - not and live it according to God's will.  Matthew 3:11 "I baptize with water those who turn from their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon who is far greater than I am -- so much greater that I am not even worthy to be his slave. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

Have you ever experienced the controlled burn that comes when you allow Holy Spirit access and give Him permission to do what is necessary? Romans 8:12-13 Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation--but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it.  For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.  Death by fire - Holy Spirit fire - of our flesh and all in which it would entangle us.  It is far too easy to allow the factors of life to manipulate us and distract us.  However we are called to listen to the voice of Holy Spirit, our counselor, teacher, comforter.  If we allow the controlled burn to happen daily in our lives, we are in a much stronger position to avoid the ravages of wild fires that will destroy our lives.

We have all witnessed the destruction of people that we thought were well grounded and spiritually sound.  Yet in a moment, their lives were in shatters, ravaged by the relentless flames of wrong choices, poor influences and lack of discipline (to name only a few).  There is not a single believer on the face of this planet who is not vulnerable to the wiles of the adversary as he seeks to steal, kill and destroy.  John 10:9-10 Yes, I am the gate. Those who come in through me will be saved. Wherever they go, they will find green pastures. The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.  We must always guard our hearts and keep our focus on our Lord.  Our daily repentance as well as bearing the fruit of our faith is the best controlled burn we can have.  Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

Each day that passes, I see more clearly the debris that is in my life.  I know that I cannot conquer this without surrendering and submitting to the Lord.  As I explained in last week's blog, we need to be walking under the control of Holy Spirit so that He can produce His fruit in us.  If our lives are cluttered with debris, it just isn't going to happen.  So this week, the message is simple: clean me up Holy Spirit with Your fire!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fruit - Deformed or Ripe and Beautiful

In my quiet time with the Lord the word "fruit" keeps popping up.  I have been hearing this message loud and clear and know that it is a timely word from Him.   Without a doubt all of us at some point in time have picked up a piece of fruit and either bit into or peeled it only to discover that something happened in growing process and it was just not right.  Perhaps it was an orange and some of the sections were simply cut short in their growth cycle.  Or perhaps you grab an apple only to discover that it did not grow symmetrically but one side is significantly smaller than the other - it is lopsided!  The Lord has shown me that there are times that is exactly how I look in the spiritual realm.  Ouch!

The scripture that has really caught my attention is Galatians 5:22-23 But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law.  When I first read this verse I did so quickly and unconsciously made fruit plural in my mind.  However over the next few days, I heard the Lord explaining to me that it was not plural.  This is one fruit of which there are different attributes.  He went on to explain to me that until I exhibited the mature fruit in my life, it would be difficult for me to manifest the gifts that He has placed within me.  Hmmmm...   so without the fruit, can there be a kingdom harvest?  Good question.

First let us understand who is in control.  Holy Spirit, not me.  Who produces the fruit?  Holy Spirit not me.  So where do I fit into this picture?  I must release the control to Him if He is going to accomplish my destiny.  If I continue in trying to "manage" my life and accomplish things "my way" I am not releasing the control to Holy Spirit to direct and produce from my life.  What happens then?  Deformed fruit.  Whole fruit contains all of the attributes listed in the scripture.  There are not 9 fruits of Holy Spirit; there are 9 attributes that collectively reflect a wholeness of the single fruit that only comes through the power of Holy Spirit.  Are you shaking your head at me, and saying, "Duh, Janice!  I got that a long time ago."?  Well, if you are then you are way ahead of me and this is one posting you can file away for someone else.  :-)  But if there is a chance that you are not exhibiting wholeness and completeness in your fruit.  Come along!

When we look at all 9 attributes they encompass the full range of circumstances in which we can find ourselves.  Looking at each attribute individually, consider the following and then look in the mirror and ask yourself what your status is.  
Love: The greatest Christian virtue encompasses all the others. Only the Spirit of God can produce in us love for those who hate us.Joy produced by the Spirit does not depend on our circumstances.Peace with God creates internal well-being that spills into our relationships with others so that we become peacemakers (note - not peace keepers - there is a huge difference!). Patience (or tolerance, or long-suffering) gives us forbearance toward other people and endurance under unfavorable circumstances. God is patient with us and promises his presence with those who are patient with others. Kindness connotes generosity, a giving spirit that reflects how God treats us.Goodness is indicative of a favorable tendency or character that is consistent in how we live. Faithfulness (or faith) means exercising good faith and fidelity in our relationships, just as God does with us.Gentleness is exhibited through mildness of manner and disposition. Self Control is a reminder that Holy Spirit does not give moral license but rather empowers us to avoid sin.   So my question to myself is, do these descriptors fit me?  Does the way I live my life daily reflect these characteristics?  Sadly I know the answer and it does not please me, and if it doesn't please me, I can't imagine how it makes my lover God feel.   But the good news is that the opportunity for me to change is available - every day.  I have the ability through Christ who strengthens me, to not stay the same and to begin to walk out the fruit of Holy Spirit, to begin to grow the fruit that Holy Spirit is trying to produce in my life.  If I will let Him control my life....  There is the crux of the situation.  Am I going to release control of my life to Holy Spirit.  The answer to that question is an unequivocal yes.  That is indeed my "resolution" for 2011 and the future.  I have been walking with the Lord for 21 years.  I have learned a lot about Him and about myself.  I am still learning and pray that I never stop.  However a huge lesson that He is teaching me now is that it is a mistake to take back control once I have given it to Him.  I gave Him control October 10, 1989.  Slowly I have been pulling it back.  Fortunately, God had revealed this to me and is now enabling me to relinquish it back to Him.  I can already feel a different level of Shalom in my life.  I eagerly await this year as it unfolds and I watch Him work in my life.             

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Discipline, Focus and Commitment

    When my sons were in high school, music was a significant aspect of their lives and consequently of their parents' lives.  Marching Band, Chamber Choir, Concert Orchestra, Show Choir were all integrated into our daily lives.  However the most enjoyable activity was the competitions.  We witnessed the results of hours upon hours of practice, discipline and focus.  Without a doubt the events that the crowds enjoyed the most were the marching band competitions.  These required early wake-ups, hours of travel and much labor in loading and unloading equipment, but once the kids hit the field, the magic began. 

    Recently I received a link to an incredible drum corps.  Of all the competitions that we attended with our boys, I believe that drum and bugle corps were the most impressive.  The video I watched this week was an adult drum corps from Switzerland that was unbelievable.  Take a minute and watch, then come back to reading what the Lord showed me through this performance.  Top Secret Drum Corps

    The individuals performing in this event exhibited phenomenal discipline and focus.  More importantly however was the obvious commitment that each one had made to be an integral component of this corps.  It took untold hours of practice time and then the sacrifice of personal vacation time to demonstrate to the world what they had accomplished.  Yet as individualistic as that commitment, discipline and focus were, the impact upon those outside this corps was from the integration of the individual into the whole.  As we watched this performance we weren't watching a single person.  Rather we watched the synchronized movement of hands, drumsticks, matching feet, bending feathers on hats.  We listened to faultless timing in the percussion of all of these drums.  Yes, it was not the individual member, it was the body as a whole that impressed us.

    Thus it is with the Body of Christ.  1 Corinthians 12: 12,18-21 The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up only one body. So it is with the body of Christ. ....But God made our bodies with many parts, and he has put each part just where he wants it. What a strange thing a body would be if it had only one part!  Yes, there are many parts, but only one body.  The eye can never say to the hand, "I don't need you." The head can't say to the feet, "I don't need you."  Imagine what the drum corps would look like if each person did their own thing.  Chaos!  They understand the importance of each person completing their assignment with excellence.  Do we understand the importance of completing our assignment within the Body of Christ?

    Sadly as one observes the Body of Christ functioning throughout the world today, there are many mixed messages.  We are fractured, isolated, broken and often confused.  No wonder we are having such a challenge in America bringing the gospel to life.  We have gotten so caught up in the mentality of individualism which now dominates our culture, that we have forgotten how to function as a unified body.  Certainly there are portions of the body which are operating effectively, but we have only to look at amputees and realize that anyone determined will learn how to live in spite of losing body parts.  Do we really believe that God designed His body here on earth to function as an amputee?  I don't.  

    What I do realize is that I must take personal responsibility for being fully functional within the body.  This week I came to the realization that I must fertilize and cultivate the fruits of the spirit that are to be the outward product of a life controlled by Holy Spirit.  Galatians 5:22-23 But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law. I was ashamed to contemplate how easy it is for me to exhibit something other than these 9 fruits.  Life, my flesh, the words and actions of others are triggers that bring about the antithesis of these fruits.  So if I am guilty of stepping outside these parameters, how can I possibly be contributing to a unified, synchronized life that impacts the world for Christ?  

    Go back to the drum corps and imagine if one of the members decided that He would step off on the opposite foot of everyone else, just because it felt right to him.  Everybody is thrown off. What if suddenly someone decides to throw in a drum solo because he wanted to exhibit his individual talent?  Not only would the sound be distorted, but the tempo is altered.  Now the corps' ears are confused about which beat to follow in marching.  Perhaps this analogy has you asking so?  May I suggest that we each have a responsibility to get in step with the body of Christ to which we have been accepted and embraced.  This is not about us - not about me - in spite of what our culture teaches us.  We are an integral part of the greater body and it is our mandate to discern how God wants to use us.  This is not about our personal agenda.  It is about God's agenda.  He is the master choreographer of our lives and only He knows what this will look like from the stands.  Let us all surrender our egos and fleshly desires to His purposes.  

    Friday, January 7, 2011

    Connecting Stillness with Shalom

    Since the Christmas season came to a close, I have been hearing consistently from the Lord that He wants me to be still and listen.  In talking with friends, I find that they are hearing the same message.  Yet simultaneously, I am seeing activity and purpose taking form in both my spirit and my life.  Accompanying these things has been the sweetest Shalom that I have felt in quite a while.  Does that seem contradictory?  A recurring message through which I have received confirmation is another "contradiction".  Resting in the Lord does not mean not moving forward.  Seriously.

    The Hebrew word shalom is most commonly understood around the world to mean "peace." However, "peace" is only one small part of the meaning of shalom. "Shalom" is also used to both greet people and to bid them farewell; yet it means much more than "peace, hello or goodbye".  According to Strong's Concordance 7965 Shalom also means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. Shalom comes from the root verb shalom meaning to be complete, perfect and full. In modern Hebrew the obviously related word Shelem means to pay for, and Shulam means to be fully paid. Shalom is not the absence of war; rather it is a condition that is only obtained through the presence of the "Sar Shalom" the Prince of Peace, Yeshua HaMaschiach, Jesus the Messiah.

    If I am listening to the Lord for His direction in my life, if I have truly surrendered my life to Him, if I am not living for me, but living for Him, then and only then can I function in true Shalom.  I have realized that I am guilty (as I imagine maybe a few of you are as well) of trying to manage my life so that it appears to fit within everything that I feel emotionally, understand intellectually and can handle physically.  The challenge is that frequently this juggling act does not invite Shalom into my life.  Instead it often hinders it.  I can reflect on so many times in my life, and I am not talking ancient history here, that I have not operated in the Shalom of the Lord, but on the periphery of that Shalom.  I can see it, I can sense it, but I am not immersed in it.

    How do we stop "managing" our lives and begin living them in Shalom?  I promise you I don't have the answers but I might have a few suggestions that are beginning to impact me.  It has been frustrating for me to know the Word, know the heart of my Lord and still drift away instead of making a beeline to His center, His love and heart for me.  Far too often I let little things distract me and affect my attitude.  Sadly I am guilty of letting things exit out of my mouth (which is too often the gusher from the wellspring of my heart!) that do not edify God.  The last time I checked, criticism and complaining were not edifying.  I reflect now on those moments (which I cannot retrieve sadly) and am chagrined that I did not stop my lips from opening.   Did those words exhibit Shalom in my life?  Not a bit.  So step one: clean up my heart. Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. 

    Step two:  Carefully choose how I am spending my time.  Proverbs 31:27 She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness. Ecclesiastes 10:18 Because of laziness the building decays, And through idleness of hands the house leaks.  Anyone who really knows me, knows that I stay busy.  However, that is not to what I am referring.  I am talking about the choices that I make in how I spend my time.  I have heard the Lord ask for more intimate time with me.  I would be really foolish to tell Him no.  I am guilty of letting time filling activities grow in my life, activities which do nothing to enhance my life for Him or with Him.  Please understand that I am not criticizing leisure time.  In fact Glen and I have made a commitment to each other to have a "date night" twice a month.   What I am talking about is the times that I have just sat at my computer and before I knew it, 20 minutes have passed by.  I want to become more deliberate in how I approach each day and the hours in the day.  

    We are entering a period of 40 days of prayer and fasting.  This is a wonderful opportunity to begin to re-order my life.  Step three: make Him the priority in my daily life.  Proverbs 8:34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting at the posts of my doors.  Am I waiting and watching for Him throughout each day?  Am I consumed with this lover God of mine who I know is consumed with love for me?  I know I can improve here.  It isn't that I don't think about Him each day, but I know I have fallen slack in making Him the prioritizing factor of my life.  

    So returning to my title: what does stillness have to do with Shalom?  I believe, deeply believe, that if I begin to follow these three simple steps that I will be able to function - to live - in the completeness, the wholeness of the Shalom of my Lord.  This will require me to be still - not inactive - and reside totally in Him allowing Him access and full liberty to direct my life and more importantly to draw me near to Him as I draw Him to me.  I don't want 2011 or in fact the rest of my life to be like the past has been.  I am ready - no, I m hungry - for His changes to overwhelm.  I am ready, Lord!  I give you my life (again), holding nothing back!